As if there were so many small weeks 🙂

A couple things: Tue/Wed remember about your registered class times! This is a big deal, we need to have enough people in those specific classes or it will mess up the person who’s travelled here to take the test. Three of the 4 people are flying in from out of state to test!! Wild.

***NOTICE: come 10 minutes early to your class, there’s a waiver to sign, and we must have your emergency contact written out in case anything happens.***

ALSO: Tue/Wed, the gym is effectively closed except for the times that HQ needs the gym after 8:00am. We’ll be having 5,6,7AM classes as usual, but after that, it’s shut up for the testing to take place. THANKS!! If you’re not registered for a time to come workout, PLEASE find a spot Monday, or text/email me and I’ll get you in where you fit in 🙂

You guys are the best!

Monday: 200m Run, 5 DL 315/225, 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Tuesday: 7 Rounds for Time: 7 Thrusters 96/65, 7 Sumo DL High Pulls 95/65, 7 Handstand Push-ups OR Overhead Squat Max 2
Wednesday: 7 Rounds for Time: 7 Thrusters 96/65, 7 Sumo DL High Pulls 95/65, 7 Handstand Push-ups OR Overhead Squat Max 2
Thursday: Horizontal Ring Row 5 Rep Max, Pull-up 1 Rep Max – about 20 minutes on each exercise, ring rows first, then switch to pull-ups.
Friday: For time: 20-18-16…4-2 Push-ups, 2-4-6…18-20 Hang Power Cleans 75/55
Saturday: Team Kelly – Run Together, with the med ball, split the reps on the Wall Balls and Box Jumps.