Days 5,6,7, and 8! Who’s still in!?
Schedule stuff for the end of 2024: we’re gonna close from Tuesday the 24th and re-open Thursday the 2nd. I know that there are some days where we probably “should” be open but it’s really disjointed to have a random day in between loads of closures and confusion. IF we decide to put together a few “Saturday-Type” days I’ll post that info here, so stay tuned. My sincerest wishes however are that you all take a proper rest from your training. Games athletes take about 3 weeks to a month OFF after the games. You guys train really hard week in week out (it’s impressive), and take only a few weeks vacation where you’re off in a year. ITS OK to take a rest. When we get back it’ll be 2025, you’ll be rested and feeling like you really want to workout (which is a good feeling) and your coaches will be invigorated and ready to help you Revive in 2025!
Monday: Day 5: “Jackie” For Time: 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 45/35, 30 Pull-ups
Tuesday: Day 6: Max Rounds in 7 Minutes of 7 Hang Power Cleans 115/75, 7 Burpees Over Bar
Wednesday: Day 7: Badger LCF/TLCF as Rx’d 30/20/10 of 800m Run, Squat Cleans and Pull-ups
Thursday: Day 8: Bench Press Max 3
Friday: Make-Up Day! Or Sumo Deadlift High Pull for Max 3
Saturday: Teams of 4: :45 on :15 to rotate Max Reps in 20 Minutes Musical “Chairs” Station 1: KB Swings 53/36 2: Handstand Push-ups 3: Side Plank Rotations Left 15/10 4: Side Plank Rotations Right 15/10
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