Big thanks for all the well wishing and support that you guys gave me last week, it really helped. Special shout out to the Friday night class, it really helped to see you guys!

This week I’ll be taking it really easy and I hope to be able to do more next week. Big thanks to Eileen, Kayla, and Rachael for scrambling to cover classes for me!! If I haven’t seen you, I got hurt last Tuesday, had surgery on Wednesday to fix my collar bone and elbow, and am doing pretty good thanks to my lovely wife. Here’s to finishing August strong!


Monday: Mary
Tuesday: Deadlift Max 3
Wednesday: Push Press x5 with Double Unders in between
Thursday: 6 Rounds for Time: 8 Burpees, 8 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9, 8 Knees to Elbows
Friday: Ring Muscle-Up Day, or Max Dip day too
Saturday: Row/L-Sit, minute by minute, rotate for 20 minutes