Yoooo. This is going to be so much fun 🙂 Remember, treason against England is what we’re celebrating! Hahah

Schedule: Thursday High Noon, Workout, then BBQ. The Gym will closed otherwise Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, just like for Thanksgiving. Please check out the board at the gym and see what you can bring to the party. The gym will be bringing burgers, grill, La Croix and a cooler with Ice. And the Rogue Rig…

I’m really stoked for this. We’ve never been able to do this before, but I’ve been accumulating (as I am prone to do) rig pieces over the last few years and I’ve bought base plates from Rogue just for this purpose. We have a portable giant rig! This will be it’s maiden voyage! We set it up on Sunday to test it and it’s rad. You guys are totally in for a treat!

I’d love to get a head count for the workout if possible. The way it’ll work is people will trot off (run/walk) on their run (10k or less distance) and then come back and complete 60 (or less) burpee pull-ups. Tom and I will be setting up the rig starting about 10:30am so that you guys will have a secure place to do the burpee pull-ups it’ll have space for about 12 people to crush at a time, we’ll be able to fit a few extras on the ends I think. But within reason if we have some waves at the start things will work out pretty well. Pardon the pun 🙂

Location: Wilcox Park (the Flag Park on 196th). The back of the park might have better for shade, but also set-up ease and workout flow. But we might end up bringing to the front. Typically we don’t use the park on such huge holidays, so I’m a little leery of setting up front and center (liability of kids/other people and pull-up bars and all that), but we’ll see.

It’s supposed to be sunny and in the 70’s Thursday, which is awesome! Hopefully the forecast stays that way and all will be well!

Super stoked, can’t wait.


Monday: Power Snatch Max 2

Tuesday: “Hildy” For Time: 100 calorie Row · 75 Thrusters (45/35 lb) · 50 Pull-Ups · 75 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) · 100 calorie Row · With a weight vest (20/14 lb)

Wednesday: Bench Press Max 5

Thursday: “Smykowski” For Time 10k Run, 60 Burpee Pull-ups