Whoa!! Schedule stuff for Murph: We will have a 6:00am session, and a 4:00pm session for Murph. If you wanna come early and smash, then come back for the BBQ, that’s cool. If you wanna come at 4:00pm and smash and then refill your tanks so you don’t get catabolic, that’s cool too. If you don’t come and do it, that’s simply not as cool. I don’t make the rules.

You read that right, BBQ at 4:00pm, most likely about 4:45pm really as people finish up I’ll fire the grill and get the meats going. Annie is in charge of party planning (thank God) and has the whiteboard I’m sure all drawn up for success, check it out. If you’re vegetarian, please help me to know how I can help you, what can I grill for you?

Monday the 27th The Gym will be closed the rest of the day. 6am and 4pm. See you then!

Monday: Lynne

Tuesday: For Time: 10/8/6/4/2 Pressing Snatch Balances 95/65 and 10/20/30/40/50 Double Unders

Wednesday: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes: Max L-Support on Rings, 15ft Handstand Walk, 12 KB Swings 70/53

Thursday: Wood 5 Rounds For Time, 400 meter Run, 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in), 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb), 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 1 minute Rest

Friday: 4 Rounds for Max GHD Sit-ups 2 Minutes Work/ 1 Minute rest: Row 400m, Max GHD Sit-ups

Saturday: Max Get-ups in 25 Minutes: Teams of 3: Partner 1 and 2 400m Together, each Carrying a weight plate (45/25), Partner 3 Does Max Turkish Get-ups 53/36. Partner 1 becomes partner 2, partner 2 becomes partner 3, and partner 3 becomes partner 1.