Thursday, the 4th day of the week, did you make the others?!

Thursday is often seen as the regular “rest” day, while it does make sense, when the programming is written with good variance, you can certainly train today because the things we’re doing are different enough from the other days, that it makes sense...

Such a “basic” WOD, with so much work attached!

This is often people’s first workout! Because some people want to mess other people up! Ha 🙂 At 20 minutes, and three basic movements, this workout is anything but easy, you’ll do great, and we’ll scale everything to make sense. The crazy part is how...

Just another Manic Monday! With Jackie!

Hey guys! Week 2 of the 12 days of CrossMass!! I forgot we called it that?! Can you believe it, it’s our way of getting around the “leaving people out thing” as if we ever did that here. I hope you made the 4 last week, the board looked pretty full!...