Another OG favorite workout! And quizzically one of the easiest workouts to do at a “Globo Gym” when you’re off somewhere on vacation and you have to sneak into a place like that to get your workout fix. I’ve done it at the YMCA about 4 times, you just gotta be quiet about them deadlifts! No dropping 🙂 Heheh 🙂

The Workout:
For Time:
21-15-9 of
Deadlifts 225/155
Handstand Push-ups

Remember our schedule guys! Closed Friday and Saturday, the good Lord saw fit to grace the commoners with Boxing Day on Sunday thankfully 🙂 This workout should be relatively fast, but around 6-10 minutes is generally understood as the time domain without just smashing your spine to bitty bits. Lots of good scaling options for deadlifting as well as Handstand Push-ups, upside down is the goal, but anything that makes your shoulders stronger is really the goal 🙂