Hey guys!! Schedule stuff: Thursday thanksgiving day, a day most everyone gets to not work, we run a killer workout! We’re gonna run, 7am, 8am, 9am, and 10am times to let everyone who wants to come sweat it out do so 🙂 Teams are up on the board in the gym. We don’t have a lot of ability this year to be willy-nilly about when you come and squeezing in another team and all that jazz, so look up there and see what’s available, talk with peeps and get added where you can get added, and if you do so UPDATE THE WHITEBOARD TO REFLECT WHAT’S HAPPENING. Because as always, the fitness butler, is working things to try and help put people where they go best to make it as good as it can be, so if you’re not on my program, you’re on the wrong program man!!

Also, after Thursday morning we’re closed, and then we’re taking Friday and Saturday to be with our (other) families 🙂 Rest up, recover your legs, stretch and go for a walk and stuff. Monday the 29th we’ll be back on with a vengeance to begin the 12 WODS of Christmas, and then straight into new year. As always, a blur, so get ready for killer workouts, great fun and sore legs 🙂

The Workout:


30 Rounds for Time:
5 Wall Balls (20/14#)
3 Handstand Push-ups
1 Power Clean (225/155#)

Scaling should include, doing something like 20 rounds instead. A great goal time for 30 rounds is 15-20 Minutes. Very quick transitions, and a resounding lack of hesitation produce times this fast. Maher, just because the rounds look easy doesn’t mean that you’ll get through 30 in 16:24. So chill, do 20 rounds and smoke it, and see how long that takes. HUGS