Yay Thursday!

The Workout! Overhead Squat for 5 RM     Rowing: 5 Rounds: 30 Mountain Climbers, 15 Calories rest 1 minute

Wicked Workout Wednesday, WOW

The Workout: Hanging Deadlifts 5×10 Bent Over Rows 5×10 Reverse Hypers/GHD/45 Deg etc. 5×10   Rowing: 4 Rounds of: 660m Rest 4 minutes each!

Yay Tuesday!

The Workout: Max Rounds in 8 Minutes of 8 Dips 8 Thrusters 95/65     Rowing: Max Meters in 6 Minutes.  This should be bad.

What’s with Mondays!

Happy post Mother’s day y’all!!  I hope you had fun 🙂   The Workout: “Ledesma” 20-min AMRAP: 5 Parallette HSPU 10 Toes-thru-Rings 15 Medball Cleans (20/14)     Rowing: MAX the WATTS! -then- Work 75% of best Watts, try for :30...

Saturday’s Team Version of Arnie!

The Workout! Watch your faces and toes guys!! Feel free to use multiple KB’s for weight concerns, or DB’s if needed to lower weights, all that stuff guys, this workout is tough!! “Arnie” For Time: (70/53) 21 Turkish Get-ups (R) – Each...