But the whole week isn’t lost!  Good food is only a meal away!

No Zoom 🙁


The workout: [this is a lot to type out!  Jk, I totally used copy and paste]

50 Sit-ups (if you have an abmat use that, if you don’t check out the video for suggestions)

20 Left Arm Overhead Squats with something in your hand (in the 5-20lb range)

20 Left Arm Right Legged Lawn Mower Pulls (same thing, or a little heavier)

20 Left Arm Bent Over Rows (same thing or a little heavier still!)

20 Right Arm Overhead Squats

20 Right Arm Left Legged Lawn Mower Pulls

20 Right Arm Bent Over Rows

50 Sit-ups (same as above)

10 Left Arm Overhead Squats

10 Left Arm Right Legged Lawn Mower Pulls

10 Left Arm Bent Over Rows

10 Right Arm Overhead Squats

10 Right Arm Left Legged Lawn Mower Pulls

10 Right Arm Bent Over Rows

50 Sit-ups (same as above)



Repeat these two several times back and forth, then do what’s in the video for a while before practicing the moves!

Side Plank for 30 seconds or so each side (more planks!)

25 Standing Goodmornings

10 Wall Squats, slow and stretchy!



This is gonna be a little funky, but try it out!

Trade 3 strokes easy, with 3 strokes hard, 3 easy, 3 HARD

For Calories:

:30 seconds

Rest :30

:45 Seconds

Rest :45

1:00 Minute

Rest 1 Minute

:45 Seconds

Rest 1:15

:30 Seconds

Rest 1:30

:45 Seconds

Rest 1:15

1:00 Minute

Rest 1 Minute

:45 Seconds

Rest :45 Seconds

:30 Seconds

Rest the rest of the day