Sunday Sunday SUNDAY!!  We’ll sell you the whole seat but you’ll only need the edge!!!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!  You ladies deserve the world, so enjoy this little Sunday 🙂

PARTNER WORKOUT!!   Text up a friend, and make sure you “come to class” together and then you can do the partner workout on Zoom!  It’ll totally work, and it’ll be rad, you watch 🙂

Zoom classes: 8:00am and 5:30pm (I’m terrible sorry for the mix up yesterday, these times are correct!!)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout!

Scales, and L-sits then:

Partner Workout!

Power Clean Something cool (Sandbag, duffel, case of La Croix etc), and Push-ups.

15 Cleans causes rotate, go for max push-ups as a team in 12 minutes!


This clean video has pauses in it for a specific drill, this workout should be done without pauses but hitting all the positions developed in this drill, and using an odd object 🙂




Do the Scales and the L-Sits for at least 15 minutes to get things rolling, make sure you do a bunch of arm swings to prep for push-ups, and then practice the clean for a while to get it solid and the loading appropriate to where you can do all 15 in a row and have it be tough when you get there 🙂 Scale the push-up, have a buddy and SMASH it.