Hey guys, here’s tomorrow’s action!  Lana is gonna be coaching today!  SO log in and get your fix!!


Zoom classes: 6:00am, 7:30am, 4:00pm (kids) and 5:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

5 Rounds for Reps

:45 on :15 off Kneeling Squats (hold onto something so it has some weight to it)

:45 on :15 off Hand Release Push-Up to 1/2 Push-up

:45 on :15 off Hollow Rocks


How filthy am I in this demo video!!  I forgot we needed it and I just got in from working on my truck for a few hours!!  WHOA!  HAHAHHA 🙂


Warm-up: something on the order of:

Arm Swings

Push-up Pluses

Balance Drills and Single legged stuff


Practice and load the moves and