On your phone click the title above to see the whole post 🙂


You guys!!!  We did it!  The process has begun, the gym is empty, basically, and you guys have all of it!  Down to the last straight bar, GHD, nearly every box, all the medballs, all the Dumbbells that aren’t 100 effing pounds, all the ropes, all the weight plates, kilo plates, kettlebells, weight vests, extra boxes and kbs from my house, bikes, rings, bands, Ab mats, other mats, other other mats, holy cow.  I’ve been at the gym straight for the last 21 hours getting you guys put together!!  Fine, a quick, 7 hours at home in between 🙂  I feel like Jon Salter.


Now workouts!  I told pretty much everyone how this is gonna work, workouts posted here, videos attached, pics and what not along with it to simplify, clarify and direct.  If it doesn’t do that for you, text me, or email me and I’ll make it doable, hard enough or easy enough.  We got this.  Thanks for being creative and patient with me the last two days while we dismantled the gym to mats and plywood!

Everyone who I talked with the last few days has done basically air squat, sit-up, push-up, which warms my cold ass heart because they’re moving and getting tired!  So if you haven’t done that, basically 100 of each in some method, do that now.


***Remember that things will get more interesting as I get more and more stuff filmed and online, this is a one man and one woman show, don’t think we have a production company here!!!***

Workout for March 17th:

30 Alternating DB Snatches [videos of options below]

IMG_1975 IMG_1974 IMG_1973 IMG_1972

Accumulate 30 seconds in a tuck sit hold

***on yo

5 Rounds!


Modifications: Keep this fluid and enjoy the spirit of the task at hand 🙂  If your DBs are too small to be tough, and you have a bar that’s more appropriate, use that!  If your DB is way to heavy, and that’s all you have, do some ”air snatches” where you jump and do the arms, your legs will hate it trust me 🙂 If your chairs are janky, try the corner of your counter top, use paralettes, get creative but be safe.


Plank 1 minute

Pigeon pose right 1 minute

Pigeon pose left 1 minute

Plank 1 Minute, alternate feet, marching

Runners stretch right 1 minute

Runners stretch left 1 minute

Side plank :30 each side

50 Arm swings front/back

50 Arm swings hi/low



Lay on back hug knee to chest each side

Arm overhead pull elbow down each side

Couch Stretch each side



Pictures to be added soon 🙂  I wanted to get this out ASAP!