***NOTICE: For the week of December 23rd, the gym will be closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Regular hours Friday and Saturday (Jesse and Carrie will be teaching!! We miss you guys too!)***

For New Years, we’ll close at Noon on the 31st, and then open at 9am on the 1st.  Enjoy the night, sleep in, then we’ll crush it in 2020!

Got your shopping all done?!  This is the final week, stay strong!


Monday: #9

Row 4 minutes for Calories

Tabata Sit-Ups

Row 2 Minutes for Calories

4 rounds Tabata Sit-ups

row 60 seconds

2 rounds Tabata sit-ups


Tuesday: #10

Front Squat x3


Wednesday: #11

Filthy 50’s:

50 of each in order, for time 🙂

Box Jumps 24/20

Jumping Pull-ups

KB swings 35/26


Knees to Elbows

Push Presses 45/33

Back Extensions

Wall Balls


Double Unders


Thursday #12

Push press for max 5



For Time:

21-15-9 of

Power Snatch 95/65

Burpee over Bar



LCF as Rx’d


For time:

10 Handstand push-ups

15 Deadlifts 245/165

25 Box jumps 24/20

50 Pull-ups

75 Wallball shots, 20-10/14-9

150 Double-unders

Run 300 meters with a 45lb plate