Hey guys!  A few new things coming down the pipe!  This week is the final open workout 20.5  It’ll be released on Thursday night like usual, let’s plan on packing the house Friday night!  If you can rearrange your schedule to come out and hang out, please do!  Lululemon is going to come out to have fun with us, Carrie is going to be mixing smoothies for after the workout, and I’m suggesting a trip to Moonshine BBQ when we’re finished with the night!


If you’ve been coming to the 9, 10, or 11am classes, you’ve certainly noticed our very own Eileen making it happen for you guys!  Eileen is truly someone to emulate in life.  I’m stoked to have her as part of our team!!  You guys are lucky 🙂

The week after this one, November 11th, Terra will do the PM classes, and the week after she’ll be doing the AM classes!  So say hi, enjoy her vibrance, and show her what you can do!  Terra Firma is an “Original Gangsta” Lynnwood CrossFitter, who’s on the leaderboards in a few places from the days of yore, and has recently switched to natural bodybuilding to pursue status and glory!

Later in the month Jason Tayler (Jay) is coming home from overseas to coach for us while he goes back to school!  Be excited to meet him when he shows up, I’m stoked to have another full grown man around to keep us motivated!  He’s retired from the US Marine Corps and has been a fixture in the gym when he’s home visiting family getting his training in.  Tentatively he’s scheduled for Thanksgiving week PM classes, and then AM’s the week after that.

Why do they rotate Jess?  Thanks for asking, I’m trying a new thing to keep us coaches fresher, more relaxed and ultimately happier.  It’s called rotating schedules.  Some weeks in the AM, some weeks in the PM, sometimes totally off.  Panic not gym family, Jesse and Carrie will be coaching plenty, it’s just that I/we won’t be scheduled from 5am to 7:30pm 3-4 days each week for months, as if that was some kind of “plan” [insert eye roll emoji].

Embrace the constant variance, enjoy the change of pace, and FEEL THE GAINZ!!!!!!


Monday: Front Squat for 1RM



As Rx’d:


5 Rounds w/ a Weight Vest:

100′ Bear Crawl

100′ Standing Broad Jumps (Do 3 Burpees after every 5 Broad Jumps)



12 Minutes for Max Rounds of:

12 DB Push Presses 40/25

9 DB Front Squats 40/25

6 Strict Pull-ups



HSPU, Pistols, Scales and Planks, Ring Dip


Friday: The Final Open WOD



This’ll be done in teams of two, and most likely scaled from there as well!  Come and enjoy it!

Lumberjack 20

For Time:

20 Deadlifts (275/185)

400m Run

20 KB Swings (70/53)

400m Run

20 Overhead Squats (115/75)

400m Run

20 Burpees

400m Run

20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

400m Run

20 Box Jumps (24/20)

400m Run

20 DB Squat Cleans (45/25)

400m Run