Hear ye! Hear ye!

The 12 days of Christmas has begun! There are 12 workouts coming up, Monday through Thursday each week for the next 3 weeks, that makes 12 workouts. I’m having special patches embroidered for those who complete the challenge! In case you’re like “Crap, I don’t come Tuesday and Thursday!”, no problemo Kimo. I gotchu. Friday is a make-up day. There is of course a “regular” workout for Rachel, Eileen and Brent (and whoever else made it all four days Monday-Thursday) on Friday’s but if you missed one of the days, you can make that up instead, well, you have to, Friday’s workout is like a “bonus” workout.


12 Days, Monday-Thursday for the next 3 weeks. Friday is the make up, add either a Tue or a Thur to your week and get all four each week and earn a special challenge patch. Boom.

Monday: #1 1 rep max weighted pull-up, then tabata Pull-Ups

Tuesday: #2- 11th Anniversary “Grace” This date does mark the beginning of the gym’s 11th year. I did Grace as my first CrossFit workout way back in 2007, so that marks the date close enough 🙂

Wednesday: #3- OHSQ x1 and 2x 800m Run test

Thursday: #4- 20 minutes AMRAP of 5 strict knees to elbows, 10 push-ups, 15 med ball cleans 20/14

Friday: Sumo Deadlift x5 ”

Saturday: FGB Style but with Hang Power Cleans 95/65, Ski Calories, Bike Calories, Box Step Overs with 45/25, Inverted Burpees 3 rounds for reps