CrossFit Classes:
Monday: 5 dead’s 275/185, 10 KB Clean and Jerk 53/35 Right, then 10 left, 15 knees to elbows 5 rounds for time
Tuesday: Back Squats!!
Wednesday: Jumping Squats, and Muscle-ups for max rounds, scale it!!
Thursday: Muscle snatch 75/55, 15 Box jumps 24/20, 15 KB Swings 53/35 3 Rounds for time
Friday: Max power clean and push presses then pull-ups
Saturday: Teams of 3, Row, Bar Dip, GHD Sit-up. Row 250m causes team to rotate, max reps in 15 minutes
Weightlifting Conjugate:
Monday: Dynamic Effort Upper Body
Duffalo Bar 4 sets close grip, 4 sets regular grip, 60% + 25% bands 7×3
High Incline Alternating DB’s 4 sets all out
V-handle Cable Pressdowns 5×8
Barbell Bent Over Row against Chains 3×20
Neutral Grip Pulldowns 3×20
Barbell Curls 5×10/side
Tuesday: Sleds Work Session
3 trips Forwards Hands below knees
3 Trips Backwards hands tight by shoulders
2 trips Sideways attached at the waist
2 trips holding two 53# KBs in the Front Rack and dragging sled by waist
2 trips holding two 53# KBs overhead and dragging sled by waist
1 trip Zombie Walking hugging a sandbag
3 trips One Handed Farmers Walk
GHD Sit-ups 5×20
Quick reminder guys, sledding outside is great now! So keep using the worst plates you can find, the Gold’s Gym ones, the BFCO black ones, and then there’s a 35 floating around too. Thanks
Wednesday: Rest
‘Thursday: Absolute Strength Clean and Jerk
Below Knee Hang Clean and jerk for Max
SN High Pulls 6×1 90% of SN
Mid Thigh SN Pull 5 sets of 3 exertions
DB “Cleans 5×15
Side Bends 5×12 use barbell
Friday: Lower Body Accessories
Banded Romanian Deadlift 5×10
Walking Lunges Front Rack 5×10/side
Reverse Hypers Single Legged 140lbs 3 sets/side
Banded “Running” Hammy Curls 4×50
Standing Cable Crunches do 100 with more weight
Saturday: Special Strengths
45 lb Prowler push it 1 mile, wear a weight vest, and put 5 pounds on the head harness, and the 10lb ankle weights on your ankles, and 5lb ankle weights on your wrists
Sunday: Rest
Powerlifting Conjugate:
Wearing a weighted Vest + taking DB’s from hang to clean during the jumping motion
Parallel Box Squat against K: Orange and Red
Rack Pulls 17 w/ 2 1″ Bands 3×3
Inverse Curl Negatives 25x, 3-5 at a time
Hip Extensions 3 sets max reps, hold a weight to your chest
Cable Oblique Crunches 3×15/side
Illegal Wide 3 Board w/ K: Mini Bands -Straight Bar
Close Grip 5 Board 3×12
Banded Lying SkullCrushers 5×12
DB Rows 5×12
Wide Mag Grip 5×8
Single Arm Allen Lift 5×15, use a sizable DB
Wearing a weighted Vest + taking DB’s from hang to clean during the jumping motion
Reverse Hypers 5×15
L-Hang Holds 10 Max Effort Holds
Lying Ankle Weights 10 minutes, hamstring Curls
Triceps Extensions Do 100-200 of them
Duffalo Bar: K 135 + 2 chainz
Belt Squat Deadlifts w/ Bands 5 sets of 4
Hip and Back Extension to Glute Ham Raises 5 sets
Seated Bandy Abduction 100x
Hanging Knee Raises 100x
Multi Grip Bar w/Bands: 8×3 K: 60 Micro Bands
Band Resisted Dips 4 sets
Decline Elbows Out DB’s 4 sets
Landmine Rows 3×25
100 Thumbs up A’s
Lying DB Rotators 3x burning/side
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