Wild Wednesday before Christmas Eve

posted a day early for your teaming on a Wednesday! workout for Wednesday December 23rd: Teams of 3: As Many Reps as possible in 20 minutes of: Row 20/14 Calories is the Rotate 1 Partner Rests 1 Partner does Hang Power Cleans 95/65 at the 5 minute mark, no more...

Tuesdays "Frankintense" Action

Myrrh. workout for Tuesday December 22nd 2 Rounds of this interval: 3 minutes of: 4 Power Snatches 95/65 8 Push-ups 12 Air Squats 1 Minute Rest Right into 2 Rounds of this interval: 3 Minutes of: 4 Burpees 8 Push Presses 95/65 12 Pull-ups 1 Minute of Rest Right into...

Monday's a Good Time to Clean

posted a day early to resolve what’s meant by “cleaning” Workout for Monday December 21st: Clean for 3 Rep Max This will run just about like the 5 rep max day, but with two less reps per set. It’ll be joyful and triumphant, you watch. Well, you...

Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve

posted the day before to get you on track for the 13 Challenge!! workout for Monday December 21st: ***Notice*** Traffic is probably gonna be pretty rough this week, you might add 5-10 minutes to your drive Clean for best triple, touch and go. In between your sets,...

Saturdays Parting Ways (Worlds Apart)

posted a day early so you guys can pad the 13 WOD’s!! Workout for Saturday December 19th: Play around with Farmers Walks for a good while, until everyone finds something really quite heavy and does a trip or two with it. “Quite Heavy” means that you...