Workout for Tomorrow!

Scaling will include Pull-up and Dip work, transition work and all varieties of sit-up nastery 🙂 If there are several who can do this workout as prescribed we will be taking turns and heats to get people a chance to use the GHDs for the sit-ups! Yippee!

November 19th and 20th Rainier CrossFit is hosting the next Level 1 CrossFit Certificate Course. Details here.

I’d like to take a second and introduce your newest Coach. Lindsay Schilaty. She’s been coming here for over 3 years and has been a big part of everything we’ve done since walking in the door. If you don’t know Lindsay it’s your fault :)!! Helping out with sectionals, regionals, on the Games team from ’09, judging events far and wide, helping with the media world at the CrossFit Games two years after that. A total phenom. She currently teaches at Lynnwood High School, so she gets how to teach and “misses teaching P.E.” 🙂 Sounds perfect!! She’s been taking adult gymnastics classes for the past year (more or less) and I feel will add not only a ton of knowledge here as an adult who learned gymnastics (like us) but also another example of awesome attitude being the key to success in athletics!

Welcome Lindsay “Delts” Schilaty, a.k.a Omega Red (for her ability to never tire and seemingly feed off her opponents life force, strange I know), a.k.a. Arkady Rossovich.

We’ll add her to the trainers page just as soon as my little fingers can type it 🙂