by Jesse | Aug 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
Har Har!! Both a great way to “Scale Up” for those that need that special something 🙂
by Jesse | Aug 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
A three-hour tour 🙂 30 Minutes Biking 20 minutes Running 10 Minutes Rowing 3 Rounds for Distance Goffe: 32,000 + 7,600 + 6,111 = 45,711 Meters Art: 33,000 + 8,800 + 4,883 = 46,683 Meters Rich: 22,000 + 6,800 + 5,449 = 34,249 Meters Matt: Ran and Rowed for way too...
by Jesse | Aug 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
Yeah WOD Books!! We’re working on filling them up, this week will let us do a lot of inputting! There are some blank places in the WOD Book for “Other Benchmark Workouts”, here we go: The first of the new workouts for us come from Hybrid Athletics,...
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