Hey guys, so the gym is supposed to be open Dec. 14th!  By “supposed to be” I mean that I’m holding out hope that we’ll be back in the gym rocking our classes as we should be that Monday.  I also need to be receptive to further communicaes from the higher authority.  I think it’d be really nice, if they were planning on keeping us closed, to let us know say like Wednesday or something so we could plan.  Alternatively, it’d be really nice if they planned on letting us open on the 14th, if they could tell us say, Wednesday so I could start the process of gathering the gyms gear (again) so we had it properly arranged upon reopening.  Seeing as either of these cases are as legitimate and each other, and in all probability we won’t know a think until Sunday night at 5:00pm [insert eye roll emoji] we should keep cruising as we are currently, and I’ll get around to opening up the registration for classes on the 14th and beyond just as soon as I get around to it :). Sorry for all this wishy-washy-ness, it’s as distasteful to me as it is to you I assure you.

Zoom Times!: 7, 11, 4:30

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Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout: #6

For Time:


Push Press 135/95



Home Version:

Heavy Conditioning workouts are the toughest to modify for home consumption/performance, so here’s my best shot!

If you have access to barbell and rings, but not enough weight to make the push press heavy: do thrusters instead, or military press.

For scaling the pull-up, we should find the hardest version where you can get a few good reps, and do those, be it banded, or negatives (9-6-3 reps is good there), and then work some L-Hang/L-Sit Variations in after the workout is over to provide that portion of the stimulus.

If pulling options are home are scarce, the thing to do is do Press/Thruster with what you have that makes sense, and potentially increase the reps to 21/15/9 or 30/20/10 and then work L-Sit off your chairs for a minute or two between rounds, and then once finished do some specific back work, rows, banded stuff etc. to round out the pulling.



Getting the moves sorted out will take time, so use that, but for sure include, major arm swings, legs swings, and planks.  It’d be a great day to get in some handstand work (holds) to get the overhead warmed up a bit extra.  Then certainly work up the weight.  Specific for pull-ups, I think some easy reps of banded pull-ups, ring rows, or jumping pull-ups are in order to help get the elbows up to speed.  Some light biceps curls are not a bad idea if you’re going to do your pull-ups underhanded also.

Spend 20 minutes plus or so on getting pieces moving!