Hey guys! Make the time to get in and smash it! This is a great example of a CrossFit workout: take a bunch of things, mash em together and churn out serious fitness. Part of the reason it works so well, is that it’s such a short workout. You heard me, the working duration is literally 15 minutes long. The total workout including rest intervals is 17 minutes! Think about the 20 minutes of cardio we all did, and still somehow think is a good idea. This is short high intensity training at it’s finest! Max out the reps each round, feel the burning in your lungs, and recognize that you’ll not try as hard at anything else all day (week for that matter) and that there’s no other option for your body to be getting fitter!

Crush it fam!

“Fight Gone Bad”

3 rounds for total reps:

1 min Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55,
1 min Box Jumps 20″/16″,
1 min Push Press 75/55,
1 min Row for Calories,
1 min Rest

This is a classic workout, it has all sorts of stories. Originally written for BJ Penn a fighter, it was apparently aptly titled 🙂