Hey guys!  I know everyone is in a whole different state of cardio equipment, some people have jump ropes, some people can run only, a few have bikes, lots of rowers and pelotons, whatever you’ve got do this interval session.  Even if you run in place hard (like doing running drills) it’ll still work, I promise!

For posting, I’ll put the workout first, then the warm-up and cool-down after that:)


”on” go HARD

”off/easy” exercises that stop: rope skipping, rowing, ski erging, stop.  Exercises where you look weird stopping: running/walking, biking/coasting, walk or coast 🙂

Interval Session #1:

Interval 1: 20 seconds on 40 seconds easy/off

Interval 2: 30 on, 30 off

Interval 3: 40 on, 20 off

Interval 4: 30 on, 30 off

Interval 5: 20 on, 40 off

Interval 6: 30 on, 30 off

Interval 7: 40 on, 20 off

Interval 8: 50 on 10 off

Interval 9: 40 on 20 off

Interval 10: 30 on 30 off

Interval 11: 20 on 40 off

Interval 12: 10 on 50 off

Interval 13: 50 on 10 off

Interval 14: 40 on 20 off

Interval 15: 30 on 30 off

Interval 16:  20 on 40 off

Interval 17: 10 on 50 off

time.  Max meters, Max double Unders, Max distance, Max good feelings, you get it, go hard, be fitter!



‘Qi Gong Home Style (stand in place do 10-15 reps of each)

Knee Hug, Twisted Knee Hug, Kick leg out, pull leg back, over baby gate/under tree branch, lunge w/ stretch, stationary inchworms

25 Mountain Climbers

5 Push-Ups

25 Hollow Rocks

5 Push-Ups

25 Air Squats

5 Push-Ups


Practice your piece of gear/running/biking etc, for 3 minutes casually.  Note and address any problems/shortcomings and text Jesse 🙂



Runners, Ropers: stretch calves and feets, and hip flexors

Rowers: stretch hammies and back

Ski Ergers: That’s just me 🙂

Bikers: Roll the quads and calves


Today Carrie and I will be adding to this, and getting the YouTube links up, which will be better than yesterday’s videos, thanks I was in a hurry for sure there, and the auto loader on WordPress is shabby, or so I’m told 🙂  you guys rock!!  Thanks for being patient with me!!