Saturdays Super Session #6

posted a day early for you to team up and get stoked for training Workout for Saturday October 7th: Trade 5 Rounds with your buddy for time! Run 200m 2 Rope Climbs 15′ 15 Push...

Fantastical Friday Fitness Fantasticness

posted a day early for your viewing pleasure Workout for Friday October 6th: Teams of 2: Max Wall Ball Shots 10 Power Snatches 95/65 Max Wall Balls in 10 minutes Teams rotate when the buddy on power snatches has completed the 10 reps, the other buddy is just smashing...

Thursdays Training Treatise

posted a day early for your acknowledgment that it has happened and so it will Workout for Thursday October 5th: “Ricky” Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Pull-ups 75 pound dumbbell Deadlift, 5 reps 135 pound Push-press, 8 reps U.S....

Wednesday's Conditioning Piece

posted a day early for you to check your schedule and understand that you really do have time to make it in 🙂 Workout for Wednesday October 4th: 1000m Row for time Three times, rest as needed