I think it’s official, we have too much fun here – in fact, we’re about to institute a moritorium on smiling, laughing, and in general enjoying yourself.  It’s gotten under my skin, and I can only take so much.  As you can see from these pictures it’s most definitely about time to get serious instead of working hard and having fun while doing it 😉


The only thing I can see when I look at this picture is how small my neck is.  This time next year where the collar on this shirt lazily flops, it shall be stretched literally begging me to undo another button to make room for the pillars of muscle that protect my esophagus, trachea and spinal cord.  It’s about building a legacy.  It’s about respect.

I hope everyone is liking the new workout style – it’s CrossFit – you should check it out sometime.  I’m terrible aren’t I?

Clan Cheiftan Out.