YES!! Things are happening, which is actually good 🙂

I figured a few things out! Always learning, that’s me 🙂

Here’s the workouts!

Monday: 10 Rounds for Time of: 7 Power Cleans 135/95, 5 Handstand Push-ups

Tuesday: Ring Dip for 1 RM and “Annie” 50/40/30/20/10 of Double Unders and Sit-ups For Time

Wednesday: Deadlift Max 3, and associated other nasty games 🙂

Thursday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 16 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35, 8/8 DB OH Lunges 50/35, 4 Wall Climbs (they’re baaaack)

Friday: Pull-up Max 1, Full GHD Run Down (if you know, you know)

Saturday: 28 Minute AMRAP of: 28 Pull-ups, 28 Cals on the Rower, 28 Overhead Squats 75/55, 28 Burpees

New Week! New You, New Gym!

Alright, it’s not that new, but there’s some things that are improved!! BIG BIG thanks to Terra and John, they CRUSHED the painting and Terra especially as being the Forewoman on the job keeping John and I focused on completing the work, and doing a good just instead of a half ass job. I hate painting and so I always look to cut corners, she’s amazing, as if you already didn’t know. Big shout out to Dulcie for major Friday help!! She came in strong AF and saved the day. Lastly, thanks to Mary for hooking up Friday breakast (eggies!) so I didn’t have to fast until lunch! I also saved the left overs and smashed them Saturday morning on the way to Seattle for the L1 we’re working this weekend! Thanks Mary!

The Workouts!

Monday: Elizabeth For time: 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95, Ring dips
Tuesday: STONES DAY!
Wednesday: Nicole Max Rounds in 20 minutes of: 400m run, max reps pull-ups
Thursday: Push Jerk for Max 1
Friday: Karen For time: 150 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 – 10’/9′
Saturday: Row/Push-up team workout. Partner up. Row 250m, do 15 Push-Ups 8 Rounds for Time.

Big thanks for last week guys, it was a super grind (12-14 hour days Sun-Thur, TGIF if was like only 8!) but we got so much done. I hope you had a good time following along on IG it was fun posting, don’t get use to it 🙂 The next time we’ll be closing is for the week between Christmas and New Years. PLAN FOR IT. Take a trip, book that AirBnb right now, call you long lost cousin and start repairing your family so you can visit during that week. See? I’m here to help 🙂

Let’s CRUSH this week and get back to it! Murph is coming!

Home Workouts!!

It’s like we’re back in quarantine. Here we go!

All jokes aside: BIG THANKS you guys. Your support during the COVID times was really the springboard that has propelled us into so many new and powerful things. This weeks closure is in no small part to your hard work and support during that time. We thrived, we grew, we made progress while so many others went the wrong way, sadly. So this week I’m giving back to you, in the form of a really nice place to train in, instead of that old run down, been there 100 times gym, you’re getting a renewed and reinvigorated 2022 version of your gym that you love, ready for records, sweat, laughter, some tears for sure, callous rips, summer BBQ’s, fucking Murph, and all that comes in between. BIG THANKS to you guys, I’ll keep you up to date on Instagram!

Check out our YouTube Channel from Quarantine for exercise demos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQsfG465VRh9DwzyLEWUFqQ


Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of:

Mountain Climbers (30)
Candlesticks (8)
Kitchen Counter L-Sits (your best hold)

(read it out loud, it’s totally iambic pentameter!)

Pistol Progression: Toes touching, tight rope, ankle on calf, box, 15 reps if each
For Time:
40/30/20/10 Push-ups
10/20/30/40 Odd Object Ground to Overhead (think like medball clean and push press with a suitcase full of stuff)


Max Rounds in 20 minutes of:

20 Leg Raises
20 Sit-ups
20 Bicycle Crunches
20 Hollow Rocks (each side is a rock)


3 Rounds for Time of:

50 Stationary Lunges (hold onto something)
40 Kneeling Goodmornings
30 Rotating Jumps (only turn as far as feels safe and comfy!)


What kinda cardio you got? Got a rower? Got shoes? Got a bike? GO USE ‘EM!!

Rower: 5k Time Trial
Bike: 10k Time Trial
Walking: Find a hilly route, and smash it for 30 minutes, wear a backpack!
Running: Find a rainy windy 5k and make it happen 🙂


The gyms should be pristine at this point, leave the awe and fascination for Monday morning 🙂

100 Burpees. Seriously, try it!

Can you get it done in 10 minutes? 10 each minute?

Scale it back, do 60 if you need to. If you get 60 done in right around 6 minutes though… You know what that means! Keep going!

March 28th through April 2nd!!

Hey guys! Super stoked about this weeks workouts 🙂 The net is coming down!!! Booyah


Monday: Back Squat for 10RM, Front Squat for 10RM, Overhead Squat for 10RM

Tuesday: Bench for Max 5, between the rounds do a set of your best L-Pull-ups

Wednesday: 100 KB Swings 53/35, 100 Push Ups, 100 Stationary Lunges, 100 Sit-ups

Thursday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 25 Double Unders, 6 Pull-ups

Friday: Drag Races: 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls “heavy”, 21 Calories on the Rower – Do 5 Rounds on the day, rest as needed within the time frame.

Saturday: Max in 2 minutes of 5 Thrusters 115/75 3 Burpee Over Bar, Buddy 2 Net Climbs and hold 4 Rounds each for 16 Minutes

Here’s the week!

Big Week!

***REMINDER: we’re gonna be closing the gym the week of April 4-9. I know this is a huge bummer, but it’s so I can finish the gyms projects and get painting done and everything as good as I can get it in a reasonable time frame. Think of it as Spring Cleaning, I know it doesn’t seem “bad,” but my punch list is pretty huge, and it’ll be a miracle if I can get it all done in a week! If you’re super worried about your fitness degrading over the weeks absence I give you two things to muse on. Thing 1: next time you go on vacation take your fitness way more seriously while you’re there (if you’re like Rachel and you have a personal connection with a gym while you’re there and they let you come in and train outside of class to stay on your programming, I’m not talking about you). Thing 2: you have the opportunity to train up to 27 times monthly in classes, subtract this week and you’ll be left with 21 other opportunities to get fit, and if you like to train three days each week, it’ll be easy to make up the missed sessions because you’re used to only making 13 workouts a month. Easy day. Hugs and love guys, I’ll be posting at home workouts that week, and giving me a hard time won’t be met well ❤️😁***



For Time:

100m Run
10 Power Snatches 115/70
100m Run
9 Power Snatches 115/70


100m Run
2 Power Snatches 115/70
100m Run
1 Power Snatch 115/70


Buddy Buddy Push Press 5’s, 3 rounds of 5 sets of 5 – weight ascends and descends!


Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:

20 Double Unders
8 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
6 Burpees


Deadlift for Max 5


Running Drills, and then Tabata Squats, Push-ups, Pull-ups and Sit-ups, rest 1 minute between each Tabata


Drag Races, 25 Swings 400m Run, 5 Rounds with rest. Each for Time.

The whole week at once! Has he lost his mind!

Ok no cherry picking 🙂

Remember guys: we have the unique advantage of upholding standards, expert coaching, and real personal care that are the things which will allow you to make progress in your fitness. I can’t wait for next week!

Here’s the 6 days:

“Jennifer” Max Rounds in 16 minutes of: 10 Pull-Ups 15 KB Swings 53/35 20 Box Jumps 24/20

Clean and Jerk Max 2

Bench Press 1-30-1-20-1-10 – remember the squat day??!?!?!?

5 Rounds for reps: 1 Minute of GHD Sit-ups, 1 Minute of Thrusters 75/55

“Barraza” Max Rounds in 18 min of: 200m Run, 9 Deadlifts 275/185, 6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups

Teams of 3: Row 400m, 2 Rope Climbs, Handstand Holding Practice (your level, long hold!), Work Hard for 20 Minutes

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!