I’m baaaaack 🙂
It’s gonna be a great week!!
Named workouts, maxes, nasty running combos, freakin’ overhead squats! You guys are so lucky 🙂
The Workouts:
Monday: Randy For Time: 75 Power Snatches 75/55
Tuesday: 100m Run, 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Hang Power Clean 95/65
Wednesday: “Cindy” AMRAP 20 minutes: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats
Thursday: Push Press Max 1
Friday: 3 Rounds for Time: 600m Row, 15 Power Cleans 115/75, 21 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′
Saturday: Teams of 3: Max Overhead Squats 135/95, Max Double Unders, 50 KB Swing 35/26 causes the rotate, 14 Minutes for Reps
The Honduras Week!
Hey guys, I’m gone, so be good kids in class OK!!!
As per usual though, I leave, and there’s a huge windstorm and people are out of power and stuff! Sheeeesh 🙂
Roatan is really nice, very hot, very humid. We got to meet some of the local people for whom we’ve built homes from before, they’re very hospitable and shy, and truly live in squalor. It’s pretty wild what home is like here. One of the children with us who’s from Seattle, said with a drawn face after about 15 minutes checking out this families home (that’s quite nice by local standards, because it’s been built through the dwellingsnow network) “they live here all the time?” Thinking to himself how that seemed impossible to him. Amazing.
The Workouts:
Monday: Military Press for Max 3 – then- Annie For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders, sit-ups
Tuesday: 4 Rounds for Time of: 12 Thrusters 95/65, 8 Power Snatches 95/65, 6 Burpees Over Bar
Wednesday: Build to a Heavy Ring Dip or Bar Dip -then- 10-1 Dips with a 200m Run between
Thursday: 1000m Row, 3 Rounds each for time, rest as needed.
Friday: Badger 3 rounds for time: 30 Squat Cleans 95/65, 30 Pull-Ups, 800m Run
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Deadlifts, 3 rounds of 5×5 Deadlifts with Ascending weights.
No stories. Just the work.
Hehe 🙂
Schedule! Hey guys! Here’s what we’ll do. We’re gonna shut down the early AM Classes on the 1st, no 5,6,7am. That’s always a night where we’re up too late, and have to plan and fritter around, so why not make it easy on everyone? I mean who puts this thing on a Monday?
Monday: Jennifer AMRAP 16 min: 10 Pull-Ups 15 KB Swings 53/35 20 Box Jumps 24/20
Tuesday: “Barraza” Max Rounds in 18 min of: 200m Run, 9 Deadlifts 275/185, 6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
Wednesday: Bench Press 1-30-1-20-1-10
Thursday: Clean and Jerk for Max 2
Friday: 10 – 1 of Thrusters 95/65, and 1 – 10 of GHD Sit-ups, like do 10 thrusters and 1 GHD sit-up, then 9 Thrusters and 2 GHDs etc, finish with 1 Thruster and 10 GHD sit-ups.
Saturday: Lumberjack 20 For time: 20 deadlifts 275/185, 400m run, 20 KB swings 70/53, 400m run, 20 overhead squats 115/80, 400m run, 20 burpees, 400m run, 20 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 400m run, 20 box jumps 24″/20″, 400m run, 20 DB squats cleans 45/30, 400m run
Hahaha 🙂 Another killer week, and a CrossFit Story!
The story is at the bottom. The Dan in reference is one of the coaches from www.turnitloosecrossfit.com, not Mr. Harkins, sadly. That would be a whole different story…
Monday: Sotts Press for Max 5, Pressing Snatch Balance for Max 5
Tuesday: 5 Minutes Right Hand: 8 KB Snatches and 8 KB Thrusters, 5 Minutes Left Hand: 8 KB Snatches and 8 KB Thrusters. For Max Reps R/L. 53/36
10 Minute workout, no break between Right and Left Sides. Yeah you can set it down, it’s just waaay cooler if you don’t 🙂
Wednesday: Tabata This! Hollow Rock, 1 Minute Rest, L-Hang, 1 Minute Rest, Plank, 1 Minute Rest, Ab Mat Sit-ups, 1 Minute Rest, Russian Twist w/DB 35/25, Rest and relax.
For Clarity: Tabata is 8 Rounds of 20 seconds ON, and 10 seconds OFF.
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time: 400m Run, 21 Burpees, Row 500m
Friday: Power Clean Max 3
Saturday: 3:00 Double Unders switch when you miss, Med Ball Buddy Run 400m, 50 Partner Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 50 Alternating Kipping Pull-ups, 50 Partner Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, Med Ball Buddy Run 400m, 3:00 Double Unders switch when you miss. For Time/reps/happiness.
Here’s how this thing should go:
3,2,1…GO. I start doing Dubs, I get 18 and miss, then Dan starts going, he gets 14 misses (we’re on 32 reps) right away I start again, I get 9, Dan starts immediately, he gets 26, and so on until 3:00 elapses and we’ve accumulated 189 Double Unders (or whatever). Then we grab our ball and run out of the gym, I pass him the ball, he catches it and passes it back to me ASAP, we run the 400m passing like this until we’re back at the gym. We saunter to the wall with our ball, and I do a shot, with a trajectory that gets the ball to Dan, who’s right beside me, he catches it, does another shot getting it the me (that’s our second shot of 50) eventually with my misses, our breaks, and terse words we finish the 50, then we proceed to our pull-up bar, Dan climbs the box to get the bar, and I gingerly jump to control. I hit a pull-up (Dan is hanging) then once I’m at the bottom, Dan hits a pull-up then hangs, then I hit a pull-up (we’re at three reps now). This begins to destroy our grips and eventually we complete 50 reps. Amidst an immodest degree is shit talking we make our way through 50 more dastardly wall ball shots, angrily toss the ball back and forth to each other as we gallop a second 400m run, then back to the gym to complete our doubles, all the while secretly wishing the other gets whipped badly when they miss. And then upon completion we reach Nirvana and find that our differences were only temporal and that we couldn’t be prouder of each other, and are friends for life, bonded through misery.
It’s almost Halloween!
Don’t worry, we’ll not be dressing up in the gym. I’ve tried that a few times, and it always seems to be ill received. I’m also not the best in costume for whatever reason, I try, but I don’t think I can pull off the things I try. I mean, even Hagrid (God rest his soul) I couldn’t pull-off! Sheeeesh!
For your advanced planning, we’re gonna shut down the PM classes on the 31st, and then also the early AM Classes on the 1st, no 5,6,7am. That’s always a night where we’re up too late, and have to plan and fritter around, so why not make it easy on everyone? I mean who puts this thing on a Monday?
Monday: Press for Max 5, Pull-up for Max 5
Tuesday: Grace For time: 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Wednesday: Buddy Workout! Row 1 Minute, Push-ups for 1 Minute, trade rounds with your buddy, 7 rounds each, 28 minutes! For max meters and reps!
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 10 Deadlifts 275/185, 10 Muscle-ups
Friday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 5 Overhead Squats 155/105, 200m One Handed Farmers Walk 70/53 (switch hands half way), 12 KB Swings 70/53
Saturday: “White” 5 rounds for time: 3 Rope Climbs 15′, 10 Toes to Bars, 21 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/35 plate, 400m Run
Killer week of workouts though! I’m excited to see how things turn out with Grace, and Thursdays workouts. ALSO, how nasty is Wednesday gonna be!?!??! YEAH!
It’s middle October! WOW
Anyone else kinda stoked for foggy mornings? Makes the cup of coffee seem more legit 🙂 Great week this week! We’re heading into holiday season guys, it’s the time to stay relatively focused on your overall goals 🙂 Cheat minorly, eat the pie, but not 7 days a week, don’t buy the halloween candy early, we all know how that goes, etc. etc. set yourself up for success and have a little grace for when you make the choice to indulge, just make it a choice! Not a habit 🙂 There, rant done!
These workouts are gonna rock this week. Be stoked.
Monday: 200m Run, 12 Push Jerks 135/95, every 3 minutes for 18 minutes
Tuesday: Back Squat Max 3
Wednesday: Cindy as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Squats
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 350m Row, 18 KB Swings 53/36, 18 KB Sumo DL High Pull 53/36
Friday: 5 Rounds for the Work :45 ON, :15 OFF, Double Unders, L-Sit, Side Plank Left Rotations 15lb/10lb, Side Plank Right Rotations 15lb/10lb
Saturday: “Jerry” For time: Run 1 mile, Row 2k, Run 1 mile, yes do scaling! 1/2 to 2/3 is legit!