WOD & More


October!? Yay Fall!!

Hey guys! Stay tuned for what's up with Halloween, but otherwise October is gonna fly by and then we're at the end of the year! That means we've got about 90 days, 3 months. What's your plan to finish out this year? How do you want to set yourself up for next year to...

Last week of September!

Sincerely, for a number of reasons, I couldn't ask for a better crew to work with, train with, hang out with, perform for, show up every day for, program for, coach, suffer, and shine with than you all. I worked an L2 this past weekend, and the questions, complaints,...

Way to go!

You guys are awesome! Chad is a huge workout, and you guys smashed it! You didn't seem too blown up sore, no one had issues during the workout (emotional or otherwise!) y'all just came, stepped it out like champions, and then went on about your day. WOW. So you can...

Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)

DEXA Scan in the gym!

Hey guys I got it set up!  Tuesday the 16th starting at 6:00am, the truck will be here to do the scans!!  [Correction] I’ll be getting the registration link from Jason soon, and i’ll Post that. Sorry! The cost is $45, I would like to do this ideally twice a year, once...

New Things for 2018!!

Team!  Here’s a bit of an update 🙂 New Things: SkiErgs from Concept2.  I’m pretty stoked to have these little ditties, they’re cool and will help produce fitness and scale people further on running and stuff like that.  Also, they’re the most noticeable piece of new...

Nutrition Blog

Coming Soon!

All the right things, for all the right people, for all the right reasons.
Greg Glassman

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