Wednesday! More intel?
“Real CrossFit,” that’s what we’re gonna do this year. Remember the Girl Named Workouts? The really hard ones that have like everything in them? We did Elizabeth yesterday, it’s really hard. We’re gonna do all of them. A total of 41 times this year, many three times, some twice, and a couple only once (you’re welcome). Kinda similar to the Hero Workouts, these always deliver a helluva dose, and they also can serve as ongoing motivation to continue to improve. We’ll do Elizabeth again in April. What are you doing to get your ring dips, dips, push-ups, better? Can we get rid of that band? Is the kitchen the place where the dip is going to get better? Power Cleans! What are you doing to cycle them better? We’re gonna lift weights, don’t worry about that, the clean will come up, if you make a lot of sessions, I promise that it’ll come up 🙂
The Workout:
Overhead Squat 3 Rep Max
Come get after it! Drills on drills on drills!
Tuesday, day 2, sore yet?
I’m bringing something back that we did years ago guys, and it was awesome: lots of hero WODs. Take this either of two ways: 1) we want to honor the fallen and support their memory in our way, shared fun hard workouts or 2) a poignant reminder of the atrociousness of war and that our little bit of suffering pales utterly in comparison to those who have to live it.
Here’s our list for 2022:
Michael – June 28th
JT – June 28th
Daniel -June 8th
Abatte Dec 2
Bull – May 5
DT – Feb 20
Erin Aug 11
Josh – Feb 22
Jason – July 6
Badger Dec 11
Nate Feb 4th
Randy Feb 7th
Tommy V. Feb 13
Nutts Dec 23
Arnie Aug 30
Jerry Oct 15
Coe Apr 27
Ledesma July 28th
Moore Jan 23
Moon July 13
White Oct 22
Wood May 23
Rahoi Dec 6
Holleyman Aug 30
Barraza Mar 18
Smykowski June 6
Kevin Nov 24
Rocket – Oct 2
Jenny – Oct 6
Rene – Jan 3
Jennifer – Mar 14
Hildy – July 2
Yeti – Sept 27
They all won’t be done EXACTLY on their dates (it’s sad, these are they days they were all killed), because sometimes it’s a Sunday or something, and like Murph we’ll do on Memorial Day, but generally really close. Goals, new year is all about goals. Let these workouts be a goal for you, want to do them as Rx’d, want to do them all, want to be ready to give each one of them your best effort. I’ll support that by making sure to keep you guys up to date as to when they’re coming on the blog so that you can make time, and recover enough to be ready to have fun smashing these workouts.
The Workout:
21-15-9 for Time of:
Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
Always a good time. GET YOUR DIPS UP.
The first workout of 2022!
Here we go guys! New Year, new you, same Jesse 🙂 I know it’s snowy, the workout will be modified slightly, with rowing and biking and such to be a) safer, b) more enjoyable and c) just as hard!
I spent some serious time this weekend, while you were all enjoying yourselves; ever seen “Hunt for Red October?” If you haven’t watch it. If you have, remember the part where Capt. Ramius reads the fake orders to the crew? “We will lay off their largest city and listen to their rock and roll, while we conduct missile drills…” That’s kind of like what I do, I listen to the fireworks and the revelment, while I conduct missile drills 🙂 Planning always motivates me, so I do some of that. We’re gonna revisit the “Dirty Dozen” but instead we’ll do the Magnificent 7 (to be revealed later, I want this post to end sometime) but it’s all the favorites, Gilligan, Karen etc. A snowshoeing trip should totally happen (tentative date: Sunday, January 30, thoughts?), and I went through and calculated a very key number: the number of days the gym will be open this year to give you “opportunities for fitness,” this number is 292. Two hundred and Ninety-Two Days that your coaches and I are here to help you stave off decrepitude and the diseases of western civilization all the while looking better naked. 292 Days of thoughtfully programmed workouts, executed by the best trained coaches around in a world class fitness facility. If you can’t be excited and humbled by that I’m not sure you’re thinking about this whole thing right. Just to help you remember: if you train 3 days a week the most you can get (3 x 52) is 156 sessions, you’re dreadfully close to having 200 rest days a year. I don’t think that’s the best way to get healthy and fit. What that also means is that probably for the first time I’m super unconcerned with closing the gym on days where actual businesses are closed, as if there was a shortage of days we all could attend and workout. What’s your goal? Mine is to get 292 sessions in 2022. Some of you might snicker and think that “he works at the gym, how hard can it be to workout?!” Remember how hard it was to train at home? Like there was always something else that seemed more important to do, chores, bills, kids, house stuff, etc. etc. Now magnify that to our community and the gym itself, certainly there’s literally always work to be done, building upkeep, cleaning, website, coach development, billing, new clients, emails, programming, the list goes, and the gym since I’m there more than I’m at my actual home, quite literally is. All I’m saying: “I’ll tell you folks, it’s harder than it looks. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll.” ~AC/DC. What’s your goal? Mine is 292. See you soon!
The Workout:
Dedicated to Danish Army Sgt. René Brink Jakobsen of Vang, Denmark, 39, who died Jan. 3, 2013, after being hit by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol with his unit in Afghanistan. Jakobsen is survived by his wife, Camilla; three children, Mie, Sara and Thor.
7 Rounds for Time
400 meter Run
21 Walking Lunges
15 Pull-Ups
9 Burpees
Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)
Nothing wrong with 5 rounds, or cutting back the pull-ups etc. Rowing and biking are certainly things today! Some of us are wearing a weight vest (guilty!) then rock that mofo! If you want the extra challenge, it’s there 🙂
The last workout of 2022!
And the first workout of the rest of your life. So METAL!
Schedule stuff: Friday Morning is 9 and 11 again, but no evening classes. Enjoy the last night of the year everyone!! Think about the typical new years stuff, it’s the proper time to make goals, reflect on what happened, what went well, all that good stuff. Set aside some time to actually do it before you get hammered on Chianti, ha 🙂
The Workout:
Jerks for Max 5
We’ll break out the jerk blocks when we need them also, 5’s are rough to bring back down! Enjoy it!
Thursday! John’s Back Guys!!
Yay, they made it “home” to here 🙂
Schedule for Thursday, 9 and 11am, 4:15 and 5:15pm, come enjoy the intensity!
Schedule for Friday: 7am, 9am and 11am, closed for New Years after that! Saturday closed as well.
Thanks for letting this week be kinda weird, it’s always a weird week and the snow made it way weirder, so yay, thanks for rolling with it, and having fun when you can! Next week it’s supposed to snow, but also have higher temps, which means less worries for driving, just flooding and roofs collapsing and stuff like that, no problemo for fitness!!
The Workout:
5 Rounds, rest after each, and try to go as fast as you can through each!
21 Push Presses 105/70
21 Calories on the Row
Go man go!
Wednesday, same schedule, probably gonna snow more tonight!
Hey guys, same action as Tuesday, 9am, 11am, 4:15pm. Wednesday night into Thursday it’s supposed to snow again, so stay tuned on what’s gonna go down.
The Workout:
Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Big KB Swings