Week 2!!!
Alright, now we know the groove, AND this week it’ll be completely thrown off! But I’m SUPER STOKED! Tudor Magda (35th at the CrossFit Games last year, 1st at Zelos Games this year and 9th at Wodapalooza, LEGIT athlete) has agreed to come do the workout with us on Friday! It’s best for his training schedule, and all that.
Furthermore: Monday is Presidents Day! The irony of celebrating this nationally shouldn’t be missed. However we’ll have a reduced schedule that day, if the banks get it off, we’re gonna have two big classes and have fun with that, and then enjoy the day as well. Thanks! Monday will be 6am, and 4:15pm. It’ll be packed, I hope you can make it, and the workout is a BANGER!
Sorry guys, I know chaos reigns at times 🙂 So this week is actually “normal” as far as the Open is concerned. Tudor is gonna come out and do the workout at 4:15pm Friday time slot. Then we’ll bang away at the rest of the heats until we’re all done. I think it still might warrant a hang out session if peeps are up for that 🙂
Monday: “DT”. 5 Rounds for time of: Rx 155/105 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks
Tuesday: Josh: For Time
21 Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)
42 Pull-Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)
30 Pull-Ups
9 Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)
18 Pull-Ups
Wednesday: “Twins:” For Time
2 Rounds of:
750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-Ups
Then, 2 Rounds of:
20 Thrusters (115/75 lb)
20 L-Pull-Ups
Thursday: Gymnastics Day
Friday: 23.2!!
Saturday: For 30 Minutes: Every two Minutes Rotate: Row, Ski, Bike, Double Under (Skipping), Run (Sled Drag)
The First Week of the Open! It’s really here!
Hey guys! Here we go! I hope you’re registered and want to have fun with this 🙂 Scaled and Foundations workouts are really doable and fun, I plan on doing scaled versions, as shocking as it might sound my fitness is slipping a bit running two gyms simultaneously, and I don’t wanna burden myself with smashing everything in sight with zero regard for my post workout self! I’m also gonna be in Boise teaching this first weekend, booo. So here we go 🙂 Chaos as always, and loving every minute of it!
Things to remember: Thursday gymnastics day, toughest on the coach, cool and fun for you guys! Come play and have fun moving. Friday is the cool workout that everyone all over the whole world is doing! Saturday is TBA based on Friday’s mayhem, it get released Thursday at Noon, so we have time to plan each week, very cool.
Friday night will be a special atmosphere, if you wanna come have fun with the crew, come at 4:15pm, plan to stay for a few hours, as there will be different heats of the workout, the Edmonds Crew is gonna come up and smash with us (booyah!) and judge each other (through the workout, not like personally or anything) and it’s fine to be there if you’re doing scaled or foundations versions of the workout, all that good stuff. 100% Team, 100% Love!!
Monday: Tommy V For Time: 21 thrusters 115/80, 12 rope climbs 15′, 15 thrusters 115/80, 9 rope climbs 15′, 9 thrusters 115/80, 6 rope climbs 15′
Tuesday: Isabel
Wednesday: Back Squat x3’s
Thursday: Gymnastics Day
Friday: Open Week 1
Saturday: TBD
The Week Before the Open!
Here’s the scope of what’s happening for the Open! If you haven’t registered, you should really think about it, it’s $20, which if you’re worried about “wasting money on something like this” let’s go ahead and check over that last Costco/Target receipt with a little more scrutiny 🙂 It allows you to put in your scores, which doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a cool think we get to do for only three weeks each year to be a part of the greater CrossFit experience rather than simply hanging out in our little corner of CrossFittendom.
Weekly schedule: the workouts are announced Thursday nights at like 5:00pm, so with that in mind (no I don’t have a secret squirrel hook up), Friday’s are the day that the gym will generally do the workout. Remember that they have legitimate rules as far as spacing, lines, reps etc. That have to be adhered to (which I think is really cool, for three weeks) so the set-up can often be quite onerous. Be ready for that!
Furthermore, Thursdays become Gymnastics Days! This has become our tradition, I think it’s great. It allows us to try cool human tricks that we otherwise might not devote any time towards throughout the year. But since we have no idea what Friday is, what are we gonna do? It’s perfect. Be excited for gymnastics day, come try things, experiment, and get better at controlling you!
That all starts next week. This week however is a regular ole’ beatdown session courtesy of your own evil mastermind 🙂
Monday: Lynne
Tuesday: Press Max 1 -then- Randy
Wednesday: 3 Rounds: Row 1000 rest as needed
Thurday: Elizabeth
Friday: Overhead Squat x5
Saturday: Teams of 3 like FGB
5 Rounds for Reps
Horizontal Ring Rows
Ab Mat Sit-ups
The end of January already?!
How is that possible. We literally just got here. I’m not going to break down the workouts this week. Not for mysterys sake, but because you should know them by now!! Maybe not Nate, but Fran and Fight Gone Bad should be known entities. There, I’m shoulding on you and the week hasn’t even started yet! The horror.
The Workouts:
Monday: Snatch Balance x5’s
Tuesday: Fran
Wednesday: FGB
Thursday: 5 Rounds each for Time: 5 Heavy Ring Dips, 50 Double Unders, rest 3 Minutes
Friday: Clean x5’s
Saturday: Nate
Whoa! What a weekend last weekend. So much fitness!
Lots of PR’s on the 5k Row, and much fun was had walking in the winter wonderland of Snoqualmie! Very cool stuff team. Proud of us! The ROW WAS FREAKING COLD YOU GUYS! A little happy medium would be nice, maybe 50 degress sometime? I’ll work on that 🙂
Monday: “Moore” AMRAP 20 minutes of: 1 Rope Climb 15 ft, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push Ups
Tuesday: 7 Rounds for Time of 7 SDLHP 95/65 7 Burpee Over Bars
Wednesday: Bear Complex
Thursday: Max Rounds in 15 of: 4 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 25 Double Unders 6 Alternating Pistols
Friday: Bench Press Max 3
Saturday: Max Wall Balls in 16 Minutes: Teams of 3: Run 200m, Partner Wall Ball Shots, before the 4th and the 7th rotations the team accumulates 2 minutes in an L-Hang
Snowshoeing Update!
We’ve found the place! It has an easier loop for beginners and those who aren’t excited about the way DOWN, and it has a harder section for those more excited by the UPS 🙂
A: Gold Creek Pond Loop
1: Upper Gold Creek Valley
Both use the same parking, Google Maps to Gold Creek Sno-Park and you’ll end up at the right spot. Whadayah say, 8:00am?
Sno-Park Pass Required and Washington State Discover Pass Required. Make a buddy, carpool!
The Workouts!
Monday: Power Clean for Max
Tuesday: Buddy Workout! Rowing and Push-ups. Teams of 3: Max Distance in 15 Minutes. 20 Push-ups Causes the Rotation, 1 Rest Station
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 3 Burpee Toes to Bar, 6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 9 KB Swings 53/36
Thursday: Deadlift Max 3
Friday: Wall Walks n Thrusters
Saturday: 5k Row Event – at the park! Deets in the gym 🙂