A full week with no funny business!

Let’s get to training!!

Monday: “Tyler” 5 Rounds for Time of: 7 Muscle-ups, 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65

Tuesday: “Nancy” 5 Rounds for Time of: Run 400m, 15 Overhead Squats 95/65

Wednesday: Drag Races: 12 Toe to Bars, 12 GHD Sit-ups, 12 Calories on Ski Erg, rest plenty, the gym takes turns in heats of 2, until everyone has done 4 rounds.

Thursday: “Isabel” 30 Snatches for Time 135/95

Friday: Clean Max 5

Saturday: For Time as a Team (Trade Turns): 20 KB Snatches R 44/26, 20 KB Snatches Left 44/26, 20 Deadlifts 135/95, 20 Med Ball Cleans 30/20, 20 Thrusters 65/45, 20 Wall Ball Shots, 20 Burpees, 20 Calories on the Rower, Like Bill does 20 SN R, and then Ted does his 20 SN R, and then Bill does his 20 SN L and so forth.

Chad Week!

No not the Meme Chad, Giga Chad, but Chad1000x our Hero WOD for Monday!

Remember: 5-8am, then 4-6pm. Start by 7am, and 5:00pm!!! No 9am or 11am Class, thanks/sorry guys!

The Workouts:
Monday: Patriot Day “Chad”

Tuesday: Strict Lynne 5 Rounds of Bench Press and Pull-ups at Body Weight

Wednesday: 2 Minutes at each station, teams of 2 or 4, Bike, Rest, Row, Rest, Max Meters in 3 Rounds

Thursday: “The Sevens” 7 Rounds For Time of: 7 Handstand Push-Ups, 7 Thrusters (135/95 lb), 7 Knees-to-Elbows, 7 Deadlifts (245/165 lb), 7 Burpees, 7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood), 7 Pull-Ups

Friday: Pressing Snatch Balance Max 1, Overhead Squat Max 5

Saturday: Team Kelly! Teams of 2: Run Together with your Med Ball, do partner WB Shots, and share the box jumps! 5 Rounds for Time of: Run 400m, 30 Box Jumps 24/20, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9

Back to Life, Back to Reality!

Hey guys! Remember GYM IS CLOSED MONDAY. Hooray labor day, enjoy the fruits of your labor. Remember guys, this week is a little prep-heavy for “Chad” coming up on September 11th. The schedule on that day will be different as well.

Monday 9/11 Patriot Day Schedule: AM Block from 5-8, PM Block from 4-6. The workout takes a while (like an hour or less) so in the AM, you need to start by about 7:00am, in the PM you need to start by about 5:00pm. The other classes will be cancelled for that day, so plan ahead, find a slot that works best for you, and let’s show up big for “Chad!”

Workout Notes:

Background: This “Chad” memorial WOD, sometimes called “CHAD1000X” is dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy who died on October 29, 2018, in Virginia Beach on active duty after 22 years of service.

On December 14, 2018, CrossFit Games Director, Dave Castro @thedavecastro posted this workout in memory of Wilkinson, who was a friend. Castro said, “A few weeks ago we lost an American hero. A friend of mine and someone I worked with when I was in the Navy. At his funeral his wife mentioned that he did 1,000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20” box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua. Tonight I did this workout with @jameshobart @apbozman and @jimi.letchford. We did it as a celebration of his life and to honor his memory. If you are looking for something to do this weekend give this one a go and keep Chad in mind.”

From the Navy SEAL Foundation website: “SOCS Chad Michael Wilkinson died by suicide. The Foundation provided immediate tragedy assistance funding, travel and lodging for his family members, flowers and memorial legacy items for the command memorial and reception, as well as a family dinner the evening before the command memorial.”

Chad’s workout and life inspired the creation of The Step Up Foundation @thestepupfoundation, which features the workout in a virtual “CHAD 1000X” event, bringing together athletes from around the world to raise awareness of the epidemic of veteran suicide and to help be part of the solution by supporting veteran health initiatives.


Tuesday: 27 Lunges, 21 Air Squats, 15 Alternating Pistols, 9 Push Press 135/95 3 Rounds for Time

Wednesday: Nicole, people who are gooood at pull-ups should do strict.

Thursday: 7 Minutes for Max Rounds of: 7 Squat Snatches 115/75, 7 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20, L-Hang Fun House to Finish?

Friday: Like FGB: 3 Rounds for Reps/Calories of: Bar Dips, Rowing, GHD Sit-Up, Double Unders, Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9, Rest

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Deadlifts 3 Rounds of 5×5 with 95/65, 135/95, 185/135, 225/185, 275/225, or whatever makes the most sense.

The last week of August! It’s such a long month!

I hope you made the 20 WODS! We’ll have a reckoning and we’ll publish the most attended folks in August, amazing. Thankfully September is now here! Remember guys, we’re closed the 2nd and the 4th, GET YOUR LIVES TOGETHER, school, food, new routines, kids, busses, put away the summer accoutrements that are cluttering your life, call Lana, etc. etc 🙂

Monday: For Time: 100m DB Overhead Walk 40/30, 30/24/18/12/6 Pull-ups

Tuesday: Dips Max 5

Wednesday: Arnie For Time: 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Left Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Left Arm, Use a single Kettlebell (2/1.5 pood)

Thursday: Holleyman 30 Rounds For Time, 5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb), 3 Handstand Push-Ups, 1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)

Friday: Pair Off: Bike 1000m, Ski 500m, Row 500m, rest a significant amount of time, do 3 rounds on the day

Saturday: CLOSED

There are looming fitness challenges on the horizon. Plan accordingy!

Hey guys, couple things: Labor Day Weekend we’re gonna take some time, I hope you are too!! Get out of town, go get sunburnt, find that buddy with a boat, do the enchantments through hike. Yes. The gym will be closed, the 2nd and the 4th, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Be ready for burners before and after :

Furthermore! September 11th is coming: we’re gonna do “Chad” this year, it’s 1000 Step-ups 20 wearing a backpack that’s 45/35. Certainly we’ll be scaling this workout, shorter boxes (my favorite), fewer reps, lighter weight etc. etc. But it takes a long time, and so I was thinking it’d be cooler to have “Chad Sessions” early and late each day to ensure that there were loads of people around when it’s being done. I’m thinking a 3 Hour Slot in the AM, and a 2 Hour Slot in the PM. If you wanna have a good time with this workout it behooves to work on your specific gear so it’s comfortable and weighted in a balanced way. GoRuck (a company that sells really nice gear for stuff like this) gave affiliates a discount code at the Games so if you want to look into something like that, let me know.

Monday: 5 Rounds for Time of: 50 Step-Ups 24/20, 200m Run, 20 Push-ups, if you got a 20lb vest, wear it.

Tuesday: 75 Double Unders, 21 Toes to bar, 40 Hand to Hand KB Swings 44/31, 15 Toes to bar, 40 Hand to Hand KB Swings 44/31, 9 Toes to Bar, 40 Hand to Hand KB Swings 44/31, 75 Double Unders

Wednesday: Push Press Max 5, weighted Pull-up Max 5

Thursday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes: 5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105, 30 Walking Lunges, 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Friday: Trade Rounds with your Buddy: 1 Minute L-Sit, Row 250m, 3 Rounds then, 1 Minute Handstand Hold, Row 250m 3 Rounds then, 1 Minute Plank, 250m Row 3 Rounds – roughly a 36 minute workout

Saturday: “Other Total” – Overhead Squat, Bench Press and Clean

Yay!! You’ll know the workouts this week 🙂

Thanks guys! Rowing on Saturday was awesome! We had two freakshows break the 40 minute mark, super stoked for them, and we had many others come and get sweaty as all get out! Big thanks to CC for hosting, and for all the delicious food! Rowing on Saturday counts for 2 sessions, that’s nasty. 16 Days left in August to try and get your sessions in fam!!


Monday: Back Squat Max 3

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 1 10′ Legless Rope Climb, 10ft Handstand Walking, 400m Run

Wednesday: Jackie, If you get the first Jackie done in less that 7:00, then add another 1/2 Jackie right at the end of it 🙂

Thursday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 12 GHD Sit-ups, 12 Strict Pull-ups, 12 Hang Power Cleans 155/105

Friday: Deadlift Max 5

Saturday: With a Buddy: 21 Power Snatch 85/60, 21 Bar Over Burpees, 15/15, 9/9, 15/15, 21/21 – I go, you go at each exercise. Like Eileen does her 21 Power Snatches then Kayla does her 21 Power Snatches, then Eileen does her 21 Bar Over Burpees, then Kayla does her 21 Bar Over Burpees etc. etc.

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!