Open Week 2!!
You guys are awesome! Week 1 went off killer! Good times, great oldies, and loads of reps! Wow.
Nothing out of ordinary this week, super straight forward. The schedule below is good to go. Take care of yourselves, and be as ready as you can be for Friday!
Monday: Elizabeth: 21-15-9 for time of: Power Clean 135/95 and Ring Dips
Tuesday: Snatch Balance Max 1
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 18 Overhead Lunges 45/35, 18 Medball Clean Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9, 36 Double Unders
Thursday: Pistol Practice, Ring Muscle-up Progressions, Strict Pull-ups for Weight, or Kipping Progressions, and L-Sit Fun House to finish.
Friday: 24.2
Saturday TDB
Open Week 1!!!
Here we go guys 🙂 There’s gonna be a pattern to the weekly fitness foray for the next three weeks. So be it 🙂 On the bright side, I think it’ll make this period the most useful it can be, and allow for lots of PR’s along with the definite ability to SMASH Friday’s session. Your job is to do like you always do and be good CrossFitters, and get your sleep, eat your protein, drink your water (with electrolytes), and watch whatever movies make you fired up for life and ready to crush.
Remember: big workout Friday night, everyone will be there, running heats until we’ve all finished the thing. Details put out each week Thursday night because that’s when we find out about the workout 🙂
Tuesday: Clean Max 2
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 24 Box Jump Overs 24/20, 12 Hang Clean and Push Jerk 115/75, 400m Run
Thursday: Gymnastics
Friday: 24.1
Saturday: TBD
Penultimate Februarian Semi-Fortnight
Presidents Day is not a thing 🙂 Regular schedule Monday, or MON-YAY!!!
The Open Technically Starts Next Week! We’re running the workout on the 1st of March. Remember: the PM class Friday night is gonna be huge, with heats going off until we’re all done with it. Judging each other (as if we don’t already) and being loud and awesome. Depending on the the workouts length it’ll take longer, hopefully it’s short and sweet. Remember: we don’t know the workout until Thursday night at like 5 or 6pm! So there’s really no way to plan better than what we’re doing as is. Watch games.crossfit.com for details, and plan for regular classes Friday, but fun times in the PM if you can make it.
5k Rowing! There’s three slots, 8:00, 8:30 and 9:00. Be early to warm-up a bit, wear warm clothes, and be ready to smash it! Address up in the gym. Sunset school Park I think it’s called. Thanks Synnove!
Snowshoeing Info:
If this sounds like you and your families’ jam, please join us! Let me know if you plan on coming, there’ll be spots on the whiteboards. We’ve got a plan carpooling and when to get there and when to start etc etc. Looks really great though!
Monday: “DT” 5 Rounds for time of: 12 Deadlifts 155/105, 9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105, 6 Push Jerks 155/105
Tuesday: Bench Max 3
Wednesday: Each Round for Time: 2 Muscle-Ups, 250m Ski, 500m Bike, Rest.
Thursday: Josh, Overhead Squats and Pull-ups – It’s a rather convoluted scheme, look it up 🙂
Friday: Handstand Practice, L-Hang Fun House, Parallette Games, Pistol Practice
Saturday: 5k Row
Sunday: Snowshoeing
Happy Valentines Day!
Enough of that 🙂
Monday: For Time: 800m Run, 50 Toes to Bar, 600m Run, 50 V-Ups, 400m Run, 50 Sit-ups
Tuesday: Tommy V – look it up. Thrusters and Rope Climbs 🙂
Wednesday: Ring Dips/Dip for Max 3
Thursday: “Isabel” 30 Snatches 135/95 For Time
Friday: “Rowing Kelly” 5 Rounds for Time of: Row 400m, 30 Box Jumps 24/20, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9
Saturday: SDLHP x5 into a set of MAX Push-ups. Gotta do 5 rounds, the goal is MAX 5 in SDLHP, and Max Push-ups, the numbers should oppose as the rounds go on. Rest like a heavy day.
Ugh Postponing again!
I’m so sorry guys, I got late added to a Level 2 course in Baltimore this coming weekend. I’ve scheduled time off for Feb 23-25 so we can have some events! So THAT IS THE WEEKEND. Apparently that works out well with super bowl and stuff. Taylor will be so happy. OMG! If they lose, she’ll be able to write a song about it! HA 🙂 That would be amazing.
5k Row, Saturday Feb 24th, Snowshoeing Sunday Feb 25th.
The Open: It’s coming! Fridays are the day when we’ll do the workout. It’s a few weeks out still. We’ll be having an event in the evening at Lynnwood to run all the heats needed to get everyone through the workout. Same as we typically do, it works great, so why not?!
Monday: “Nate” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 2 Muscle-ups, 4 Handstand Push-Ups, 8 KB Swings 70/53
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 200m Run, 3 L-Pull-Ups, 9 Toe to Bars
Wednesday: Good Day for GHD Stuff and Randy For Time: 75 Power Snatches 75/55
Thursday: Handstand Walking Practice, 2k Ski Erg, Turkish Get-up 1 RM, Max Plank Test
Friday: Thruster Max
Saturday: 18.2 For Time 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps of: Dumbbell Front Squats (2 x 50/35 lb) Bar-Facing Burpees
SO much stuff!!!
Rowing! Snowshoeing! The CrossFit Open! Sheeeesh!
February 10th: Row 5k at Sunset Park, we’ve done it there in the past, hopefully the weather cooperates and it’ll be grand. Details forthcoming, but save the date, and sign up for your heat and be early, all that good stuff!
February 11th! Showshoeing! I’m not sure where we’re headed, but it’ll be snowy, close and not an impassibly steep nasty mess. It’ll be gorgeous, bright, and snowy 🙂 Bring what you need, for yourself. The gym isn’t providing anything but an opportunity to have a good time with your crew.
The CrossFit Open:
Feb 29th – March 18th. 3 Weeks!
What that means for us: Friday night we smash 🙂 March 1st, 8th and 15th! Thursday is the Gymnastics Days, be excited for those, and beyond the heavy standardization of those workouts, we’ll be doing what we always do: take great care of you all so that we get fitter and have fun doing it! It’ll be great. Be excited, and carve out some time on Friday nights for us at the gym!
Monday: Press for Max 5 and Annie
Tuesday: Helen 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 21 KB Swings 53/36, 12 Pull-ups
Wednesday: 5 Rounds 1 Minute at each station: L-Hang, Handstand Hold, GHD Hip Extension Hold, Bottom of Overhead Squat
Thursday: Power Clean Max
Friday: 5 Rounds 15ft. Handstand Walking, 5 Hang Squat Snatches (Heavy, but 5) rest 90 seconds
Saturday: Bear Complex – gotta do 5 Rounds