Saturdays Hay-Day!

Team workout of Happiness!! Let’s go with teams of 3, bring some buddies and it’ll be awesome! Remember the coach is in charge of making the teams, this allows things to run smoothly, with scaling options and with time of finishing so we can keep the group cohesion as high as possible 🙂 Root your friends on and have a good time!

The Workout:
Teams of 3:

7 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
12 Calorie Row

7 Rounds for each buddy!!
***2 Buddies rest, while 1 buddy goes***

Thursday, the 4th day of the week, did you make the others?!

Thursday is often seen as the regular “rest” day, while it does make sense, when the programming is written with good variance, you can certainly train today because the things we’re doing are different enough from the other days, that it makes sense when viewed in the whole system. So check this out 🙂

The Workout:

Speed Tests:
40 Double Unders
20 Kettle Bell Swings 53/36

Do do 5 rounds of each, each is for time, and rest at least as long as it takes someone else to do their round. Not necessarily a team workout, but loose partnerships are encouraged, as is racing to see how quickly you can get through your round.

Such a “basic” WOD, with so much work attached!

This is often people’s first workout! Because some people want to mess other people up! Ha 🙂 At 20 minutes, and three basic movements, this workout is anything but easy, you’ll do great, and we’ll scale everything to make sense. The crazy part is how cardiovascular the session is considering that there’s no “cardio” element anywhere in it. It’s great.

The Workout:

Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Can you do 20 rounds?

We have some pretty impressive records in the gym for this. Enjoy the push-ups 🙂

The rarely observed “double” at LCF. That’s a set of 2 in weight lifting terms.

Oh the double why do I loathe it? Well, truth be told, I don’t loathe it for Olympic Lifting, so we’re gonna snatch! I dislike doubles for Powerlifting because: the logic goes like this. If you can do X for 2 reps, why not just do X+5 once? That’s literally as far as the logic need go. Think no further my child. Lift the weight.

The workout:

Power Snatch for best 2

Doubles in Olympic lifting are cool because the weight is lighter, and while its the most you can do, your body can handle the stress of lifting near limit weights multiple times easier here than with say a pure deadlift. Nasty a deadlift for a double. That second rep is a KILLER. Stoked to see how much you guys get! Doesn’t have to be touch and go, but certainly should be in RAPID succession.

Just another Manic Monday! With Jackie!

Hey guys! Week 2 of the 12 days of CrossMass!! I forgot we called it that?! Can you believe it, it’s our way of getting around the “leaving people out thing” as if we ever did that here. I hope you made the 4 last week, the board looked pretty full! I’ve ordered the stickers, (they’re coming), and they’re super cheezy, you’re gonna love it!

The workout:

1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull-ups

Just one round. Go hard have fun!

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!