Memorial Day Week!
Thanks for making Murph amazing! We had 42 people in total come through and dominate!! So cool I haven’t been around that kind of energy in a while, and it was good! It was palpable in the gym afterwards, everyone sitting around on boxes, smashing burgers and sides, hitting a fizzy water, laughing and carrying on 🙂 Even a few old friends crashed the party! Always cool to have events for that reason, you never know who’s gonna turn up! Thanks
Friends and Family Week! The week after this one: June 6th through 11th!
Your referrals are ultimately how this gym will thrive and afford new equipment, on going coaches training, events, further fixing to the building etc. etc. Remember: it’s capitalism, grow or die. We need your help!
Everyone certainly already “goes” to a gym. Remember Saturday? They sure as hell aren’t doing that at their gym, I guarantee it. AND IT’S SO RIGHT! Coming together with friends, sweating, tearing hands, getting sore, looking for records, and then having a good time afterwards. They *might* go in and use the DB’s and the elliptical, and maybe get a little sweaty, and then think about eating better, but there’s no reason to because they’re “never” gonna get pull-ups etc. etc. etc. There is a huge difference in what we’re doing, it’s helped you become as fit as you are today, and do things that you never thought possible. Help us.
Please let me know how I can help you with your friends. Our website is solid, the pictures are OK, the coaches are in there, the content is from the heart and sound. The schedule is right, the blog is updated etc. We’ve got a facebook group going, and instagram etc. But these things aren’t what’s needed. What’s needed is “hey, I go at 7:00am, come with me!” Or “yeah they have classes at 4:15, and 5:15pm, which one are you gonna jump into?” Or, “yeah, text Jesse. Here’s his number, he’s nuts, but the good kind, and he can answer that question.” The old “yeah, check them out on Instagram.” Probably isn’t gonna work 🙂
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: Drag Races: 5 Squat Snatches (how much can you use?) into 400m Row, rest (coach runs this), repeat 5x
Wednesday: 3 Ring Muscle-ups/Strict Pull-ups, 5 Handstand Push-ups, 7 Front Squats 135/95 Max Rounds in 12 Minutes
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 600m Run, 40 Overhead Lunges 45/25, 20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
Friday: “Lynne” 5 rounds for Max Reps: Bench Press bw/.75bw, Pull-ups, rest as needed between rounds
Saturday: Fight Gone Bad!!!
Murph Week!!!
Check it out! No more push-ups this week as promised, until Saturday 🙂
***SCALING will still happen on Saturday, no dramas***
Murph will be held at Lynnwood, 11am, to start by 11:30, BBQ commencing shortly thereafter. Stay and hang, bring a side or dessert, a chair, a drank, whateva you need!
Monday: “Wood” 5 rounds for time: 400m run, 10 burpee box jumps 24/20, 10 sumo deadlift high-pulls 95/65, 10 thrusters 95/65, 1 min rest
Tuesday: 5 Rounds for Quality: 1 Minute Handstand Hold, 1 Minute of Hollow Rock, 1 Minute Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold, 1 Minute Hollow Arch/GHD Hip Ext Hold/Face Up Plank
Wednesday: Deadlift Max 1
Thursday: 5 Rounds for time of: 12 Inverted Burpees, Row 350m, 40 Double Unders, rest 2 Minutes
Friday: Complex for Weight: 5 Snatch Balances, 3 Thrusters, 1 Split Jerk
Saturday: MURPH For time, with a 20lb weight vest: 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run, partition as needed
This week is so cool!! You’re all so lucky!!!
And we’re so lucky to be able to train with you all!! Seriously. You’re fucking rad, come in everyday, get weird, come back for more, enjoying the process, messing with your diets to get where you want to go, ALL OF IT. Super stoked.
Here we go! The week before the week before Murph! It’s going to be held at Lynnwood CrossFit, it’s a perfect space for this, we’ve got more pull-up bars than anywhere, the mile run is safe and not a redundant loop, we can BBQ there, it’s great. Please sign up on the board so we can plan better for burgers and such, and please bring a dessert or side!
Monday: Clean for Max 2
Tuesday: 3:00 Row, 3:00 Jumping Pull-ups 3 Minutes Rest, 2 Rounds for Cals and Reps
Wednesday: The Chief Max rounds in 3 min, repeat for 5 cycles, rest 1 min between cycles: 3 power cleans 135/95, 6 push-ups, 9 squats
Thursday: Complex for Weight: 5 Presses, 3 Push Presses, 1 Split jerk
Friday: 2 Rounds for Time of: 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Right, 12 Deficit Lunges Right, 12 Pistols Right, 36 Push-ups, 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Left, 12 Deficit Lunges Left, 12 Pistols Left, 36 Push-ups
Saturday: Partner Helen: Use the same scaling as last week, trade rounds with your buddy, rest while they go!
What else can we do after last week!!?!!?
Plenty 🙂 You haven’t run me out of workouts yet!
Grace is exquisite, 18 Minutes of reps, a true mix-modal sprint on Thursday, major leg training, and then a team workout to leave you cooked, whilst supplementing Fridays session, so good. Your coaches had an awesome trainer meeting over the weekend, so be prepared for more of what you’re used to. Good workouts, done right, producing as much fitness as we can get in the shortest amount of time possible!
Murph Deets are still getting sorted out. Big shout out to Annie for doing some major leg work for me on a possible venue!
Monday: 2 Second Pause Bench Press, Max 3, along with GHD Stuff in between
Tuesday: Grace For time: 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Wednesday: 2:00 Row for Calories, 2:00 Bar Dips, 2:00 Walking Lunges, 3 Rounds for Reps
Thursday: Helen 3 rounds for time: 400m run, 21 KB swings 53/35, 12 pull-ups
Friday: Buddy Buddy Back Squats 5×5 3x
Saturday: 50/40/30/20/10 Partner Wall Ball Shots, 50/40/30/20/10 Ab Mat Sit-up High Fives, 5/4/3/2/1 L-Pull-Ups (spot your buddy!)
CrossFit For Hope!
Event on Saturday! It’s a great workout (see below) and the details for the fundraiser are on the link above. Check it out, if it calls to you to do something, please donate. If you donate monthly on a schedule, think of CrossFit for Hope next time.
April has been a whirlwind! I hope you guys enjoyed the ride! Remodeling, lots of serious training sessions, dang. MURPH is coming at the end of the month, the 28th. Get ready guys! The training at the end of last month and this month will include the things we as a staff think it’ll take to get you ready, but know that this workout is as good a reason as any to think about your nutrition for the next 26 days (i’m not saying starve!!!), is breakfast good? How many cheats are we getting each week? Are you getting enough protein daily? Water intake? These things matter. Think about it.
The Workouts:
Monday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-Ups, 10 Pistols, 15 Pull-Ups
Tuesday: Row 500m All out, 4x rest as needed
Wednesday: 8 Rounds of: Alternating Tabata :20 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, :10 Rotate, :20 Broad Jumps (max meters), :10 rotate, :20 DB/KB Allen Lifts (35’s/25’s) total of 12 Minutes
Thursday: “Bull” LCF as Rx’d 1 Round for time: 200 Double Unders, 50 Overhead Squats 135/95, 50 Pull-Ups, 1 Mile Run
Friday: Press for Max 5
Saturday: CF FOR HOPE, we’re gonna use rowers instead of bikes, you’re welcome 🙂
Another Great Week!
I’m so stoked for you guys 🙂 I’m sounding like C.C.! Things to plan for: Saturday May 28th, MURPH is happening! Location TBD, but I’m trying to find a location that has a track and a legitimate pull-up bar. If you can think of a place, let me know ASAP. There will totally be a BBQ following the final heat, maybe concurrently happening, but at any rate, prepare to bring a tasty side, the gym will cover grilling, meat, brats, and La Croix. Be stoked, do some extra push-ups, trust me.
Monday: Filthy 50’s, but in reverse order! It really is way different.
Tuesday: 30 Ring Muscle-Ups for time, we did heavy dips and pull-ups last week, so come play with putting them together!
Wednesday: “Coe” 10 Rounds for Time: 10 Thrusters 95/65, 10 Ring Push-Ups
Thursday: For Time: 800m Run, 50 Deadlifts 185/135, 1000m Row
Friday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 15ft Handstand Walk, 15 DB Box Step Over 50/35, 15 GHD Sit-ups
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Bench Press 5 Sets of 5, 3x.