WOD & More
Add Title? The week before the big deal!
YO! The week before Cornucopia! For your planning guys, we’re gonna run 8 and 9am Thursday the 28th and then shut it down the rest of the week. I hope you get to take some time to relax with your crew, watch some movies (not Hallmark) and recharge a bit. The...
Quote he: Nov 11th ist a day for Veterans
Hey guys! Remember Monday we're closed to observe Veterans Day, the rest of the week will crush 🙂 Start getting your teams together for Cornucopia! We're getting CrossMass 2024 Gear put together! Be on the lookout for the link to order shirts and hoodies and stuff....
It’s November Now!
YO! Kayla is still gone this week! Sad! NEXT week is Veterans Day (we’re closed that day, the 11th). Also: a quick reminder for you guys about bringing "+1's" to the gym. WE DIG IT. We know it's important to your daily schedule and most likely if you couldn't bring...
Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)
Sunday Before Christmas
'Twas the Sunday before Christmas and all through the gym, no grunt, no slamming, no dragging was heard. Â Because it was closed. Â Â Sunday, Monday, Tuesday we're closed and we'll open up at 8:00am on the 26th. Ho Ho Ho!!!
Saturday Training
CrossFit Schedule 10:00am - Jesse or Deidra or Monique (whoever you're so lucky to get) Kids CrossFit!!! - We've just started this up, it's going great a little crew's already formed. Bring yourself and your child/ren 2:00pm - Deidra or Monique
Grand Opening Event Day!!
You heard it! Crossfit Schedule - normal until PM 6am 7am 11:30am Then the event happens, it starts at 4:30 runs until 6:30 when we will have an open class for people to try it out and to watch. So if you're an evening person (Tony, Lauren, et al.) please come! This...