WOD & More


Mid January Update!

OK! This weekend is the 5k Row we've been doing now for a few years. It's held at Sunset School Park (17800 10th Ave NW Shoreline, WA 98177) it's got a covered basketball area and is basically perfect for our needs for this event. If it's clear you get a view of the...

Ski Week!! It’s so winter here 🙂

Kids Class Starts this weekend! Details are in the gym, this Saturday is the first class! This week is SKI WEEK! What that means is that really at any time (when the gym is open), you can come over and Ski 5,000 Meters! Joyous I know 🙂 It takes roughyl 20-25 minutes....

Happy New Year!!

Yay! Here we go again! Another trip around the sun 🙂 2025 Stuff: Nothing really “NEW” exactly. A few new heroes to run, dates are shifted (as they do) which brings new days into the mix, summer 10k row date is already confirmed with CC 🙂 295 Workouts this year!!...

Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)

CPR First Aid and AED Training

 David Anselment is hosting a CPR cert here at Local's!   It starts at 12:00 and goes till whenever we're good and done. Costs $60 bring a snack!  🙂

Sunday Seminar Series

Sunday the 9th 12:00 to 4:00pm We'll cover what is fitness, the squat in all it's glory an variety, and finally how to create a balanced fitness that is simply fantastic. Bring comfortable clothes that you can sit down and stand back up in 🙂

The Friendly Fifth of February

 Everyone!  Bring those friends you've talked with about CrossFit for the last few months - now's the time to get them in here, all our trainers will be here ready to help people learn new movements, tackle old nagging joint issues, push themselves to the...

Nutrition Blog

Coming Soon!

All the right things, for all the right people, for all the right reasons.
Greg Glassman

Your first class is always free. Check us out!