Yay Memorial Day!
Murph Deets!
6am Class, come join in the workout! We’ll be scaling and taking extra time, plan for a 90 minute class more or less guys, I’m not gonna be there early, so don’t plan that you’re gonna be all stretched out and good to go at 7:00am! Ha 🙂
4:00pm Class: different kinda deal, I will be there early, if you wanna warm-up and talk scaling before 4pm, SMART, come do so 🙂 We’ll be kicking off about as quickly as makes sense to and then we’ll switch into BBQ mode to be ready to eat tasty yumyums by 4:45-5:00pm or so.
The Gym is closed the rest of the day, no other classes.
Otherwise, normal week, Tue-Sat. Thanks guys! Look forward to helping you smash tomorrow!
Murph is Next Week!!!!
Whoa!! Schedule stuff for Murph: We will have a 6:00am session, and a 4:00pm session for Murph. If you wanna come early and smash, then come back for the BBQ, that’s cool. If you wanna come at 4:00pm and smash and then refill your tanks so you don’t get catabolic, that’s cool too. If you don’t come and do it, that’s simply not as cool. I don’t make the rules.
You read that right, BBQ at 4:00pm, most likely about 4:45pm really as people finish up I’ll fire the grill and get the meats going. Annie is in charge of party planning (thank God) and has the whiteboard I’m sure all drawn up for success, check it out. If you’re vegetarian, please help me to know how I can help you, what can I grill for you?
Monday the 27th The Gym will be closed the rest of the day. 6am and 4pm. See you then!
Monday: Lynne
Tuesday: For Time: 10/8/6/4/2 Pressing Snatch Balances 95/65 and 10/20/30/40/50 Double Unders
Wednesday: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes: Max L-Support on Rings, 15ft Handstand Walk, 12 KB Swings 70/53
Thursday: Wood 5 Rounds For Time, 400 meter Run, 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in), 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb), 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 1 minute Rest
Friday: 4 Rounds for Max GHD Sit-ups 2 Minutes Work/ 1 Minute rest: Row 400m, Max GHD Sit-ups
Saturday: Max Get-ups in 25 Minutes: Teams of 3: Partner 1 and 2 400m Together, each Carrying a weight plate (45/25), Partner 3 Does Max Turkish Get-ups 53/36. Partner 1 becomes partner 2, partner 2 becomes partner 3, and partner 3 becomes partner 1.
Middle of May! The ides of May? Is that a thing?
Monday: Deadlift for Max
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 3 Box Jumps 30/24, 3 HSPU Hands on 45lb Plates
Wednesday: Nakba Day: For Time: 974m Row, 5 Rounds of: 15 HSQCL 75/55, 31 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 70 Dubs, 974m Row to Finish
Thursday: Thruster 5 Rep Max
Friday: 800m Run, 30 Ring Dips, 800m Run, 30 L-Pull-ups, 800m Run, 30 Alternating Pistols For Time
Saturday: With a partner: Double Grace, 60 Clean and Jerks in sets of 3 for time. I go, you go. Mike does 3, Ryan does 3, that’s 6 of the 60 reps they’ve got to do.
2nd Week of May!
Did you guys celebrate May 4th? Like May the Fourth be with you? Too nerdy?
Monday: Bull: LCF as Rx’d For Time of 200 Double-Unders, 50 Overhead Squats (135/95 lb), 50 Pull-Ups, 1 mile Run
Tuesday: Hang Squat Clean for Max
Wednesday: Jackie
Thursday: 1000m Row, 3 times rest as needed
Fri-yay: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 12 GHD Sit-ups, 24 Sumo DL High Pulls 95/65, 36 Double Unders
Shatterday: Teams of 3, Max Reps in 20: Rope Climbs 20′, Paralette Push-ups, 400m Run causes the rotate
Last week of April?! Although May Day…
New GHD pads this week! A fixed toilet in the ladies room! A new jump rope set up (don’t be the one to mess it up)!! Amazing.
I went to two memorials this weekend, loads of emotion man. REMINDER: it sure is smart to set aside some things for the future, plan ahead and all that, but you sure as hell better live for right now too. Wyatt Earp got told to “live,” by Doc on his death bed. Time waits for no one. Whatever little saying you like “Yolo,” “Memento Mori,” et hoc genus omne, let it motivate you for what’s to come and how to get there. You certainly will.
Monday: As a complex for Max: Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Snatch
Tuesday: 24 Wall Ball Shots, 12 Calories on the Bike, Rest 2 Minutes, 5 Rounds
Wednesday: Jerk for Max
Thursday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 6 Pull-ups, 11 Push-Ups, 100m Run, or 4 Pull-ups, 8 Push-ups 100m Run, wear a weight vest
Friday: Overhead Squat for Max
Saturday: Teams of 3! Row 300m causes the rotate, Station 1: L-Hang, Station 2: Alternating Pistols, Metrics: ST1: BE a good person, ST2 Max Reps
Also, help out Gabby!
The Week of April 22nd
Yo! A few updates coming to the gym when I get them sorted out 🙂 Some new GHD pads for those that need changing, new jump ropes, Ab-Mats galore, and rower parts to fix all the rowers back to perfectly brand new condition! Stoked for that, and stoked for springtime!! Sun is so good. Here’s to some hard workouts! Cheers!
Monday: Clean Max 3
Tuesday: Drag Races: 5 Push Press (as heavy as you can go), run 200m. Gotta do 5 rounds, rest as needed
Wednesday: 4 Rounds of 4 Turkish Get-ups 53/35, 40 Double Unders, then Bar Muscle-up Practice/Pull-up Work
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 21 Burpees, 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20, 9 Back Squats 225/155
Friday: 21 Deadlifts 185/135, 21 Hip Extensions, 2 Minutes Face-up Plank, rest 4 minutes-ish
Saturday: “Coe” 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 10 Ring Push-Ups