October 16-21

NOTICE: 9AM Class is no more, sad, but OH well 🙂 Truthfully, I never understood how it worked as I figured that people worked sometime in the mornings! HA 🙂


Monday: Jerry – the only workout where Rahul can pass you going two directions!! HAHA 🙂
Tuesday: Grace
Wednesday: 20-18-16…4-2 of Push-ups, and 2-4-6…18-20 of Pistols (Alternating) For Time
Thursday: 7 Horizontal Ring Rows, 7 Ring Dips, 21 One DB Lateral Box Step Overs 50/35
Friday: Deadlift Max 3
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Front Squats 45/95/135/185/225/275 3 Rounds of 5×5

Tax week number 2!?!?

Did you file your extension yet?!

ALSO: We’re going to shut down the 9am Class as of this coming Monday. October 16th moving forward. I sincerely hope that this change doesn’t impact anyone too harshly, but it’s been lowly attended for far too long to keep it going. Sorry/Thanks! Hopefully 7am or 11am work well for you. If you have questions, please let me know.


Monday: Bench Press 5 sets of 5

Tuesday: Filthy 50’s

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 8 Minutes of: HandStand Walk 20ft, 3 Snatches 155/105

Thursday: “Helen” 3 Rounds for Time of: 400m Run, 21 KB Swings 53/35, 12 Pull-ups

Friday: 5 Rounds of: Max Rounds in 3 Minutes then rest 1 Minute: 3 L-Pull-ups, 6 GHD Sit-ups, 9 Front Squats 185/135

Saturday: Max Hollow Rocks in 15 Minutes while your buddy does: 1 Rope Climb 20′, and 35 Double Unders

This is a really cool big big deal

Check this out: https://app.truemed.com/crossfit/qualify/tm_qual_gf18rljy3j

You can use your Health Saving Account (HSA) or your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for your membership! ALSO: anything related to maintaining and gaining a healthy metabolic state, like meal services, nutrition support, belts, wraps, shoes, personal training, seminars, entry fees, et hoc genus omne!

Here’s the cliff notes on how it works: 1) you need a doctors note saying that basically you’re a human, 2) they have a 5 question survey and then a doctor who writes that note, 3) it costs $30 (which you can use your HSA for), and then you’re good to go!

The survery asks about family history and current health issues, but here’s the crux: the medical community has unanimously agreed that exercise is good for your health, and to PREVENT metabolic disease which is now recognized as the precursor to all the nasty nasty (cancer, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, etc) diseases, which means that your pre-tax money set aside for your health can and should be used for anything that will prevent, stave off, or delay the onset of these diseases. Voila!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me! My hope is that this makes it just a bit easier to pay for your membership and with any luck you can get some matching contribution bonus thing from your employer and basically get a free membership! And then maybe you can take some other healthy steps, like a meal service, or nutrition guidance, or massages, lets go!!


Monday: 2k Row Time Trial and other strangeness

Tuesday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 3 L-Pull-Ups, 33 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 33 Hollow Rocks, 33 Hang Power Cleans 75/55

Wednesday: For Time: 21-15-9 Handstand Push-ups, Box Jumps 24/20, Deadlifts 185/135

Thursday: Turkish Get-Up 1 RM, L-Sit Fun House

Friday: “Jenny” AMRAP in 20 minutes, 20 Overhead Squats (45/35 lb bar), 20 Back Squats (45/35 lb bar), 400 meter Run

Saturday: Three Rounds, add your Bikes together, ski’s together and row’s together. E.g. 2312/772/806 Bike 1 Minute :20 Second Rotate, Ski 1 Minute, :20 Second Rotate, Row 1 Minute, : 20 Second Rotate, 1 Minute Side Plank Right, :20 Seconds Rotate, 1 Minute Side Plank Left :20 Second Rotate, Rest 6:40

Training Season is now in full swing!

And by pretty chill what I mean is training is taking place! This is a good thing, I know you guys like events, but hear me out. Events are great, we come together and smash on stuff and have a good time. We do do this all the time as is 🙂 However, there should be good decently long periods where there aren’t any events like this so we can dig in to basics, root out inefficiencies, focus on our nutrition without any looming fitness dates. Our next event event is going to be the Cornucopia on Thanksgiving, and then the 12 days of Christmas after that in December. So let’s train hard hard for the next 8 weeks so we’re solid for Cornucopia (there’s gonna be some motivating challenges there for returners) and then we’ll be heading smoothly into the Open in the new year. Very excited for this next block of training. Brava team!


Monday: Press for Max 1 and 1 Rep Max Strict Pull-up
Tuesday: 5 Rounds for Time of: Row 650m, Acculmulate 40 Seconds on an L-Sit, 20 Push-ups
Wednesday: “Yeti” For Time: 25 Pull-Ups, 10 Muscle-Ups, 1.5 mile Run, 10 Muscle-Ups, 25 Pull-Ups
Thursday: “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds for Reps: 1 Minute at each station: Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9, Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55, Box Jump 24/20, Push Press 75/55, Row for Calories
Friday: TIL Farmers Walk Day! How Heavy can you go across the gym with?
Saturday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 15 Double Unders, 5 Burpees and 1 Power Clean 185/135, trade rounds with your buddy for Max Rounds!

A full week with no funny business!

Let’s get to training!!

Monday: “Tyler” 5 Rounds for Time of: 7 Muscle-ups, 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65

Tuesday: “Nancy” 5 Rounds for Time of: Run 400m, 15 Overhead Squats 95/65

Wednesday: Drag Races: 12 Toe to Bars, 12 GHD Sit-ups, 12 Calories on Ski Erg, rest plenty, the gym takes turns in heats of 2, until everyone has done 4 rounds.

Thursday: “Isabel” 30 Snatches for Time 135/95

Friday: Clean Max 5

Saturday: For Time as a Team (Trade Turns): 20 KB Snatches R 44/26, 20 KB Snatches Left 44/26, 20 Deadlifts 135/95, 20 Med Ball Cleans 30/20, 20 Thrusters 65/45, 20 Wall Ball Shots, 20 Burpees, 20 Calories on the Rower, Like Bill does 20 SN R, and then Ted does his 20 SN R, and then Bill does his 20 SN L and so forth.

Chad Week!

No not the Meme Chad, Giga Chad, but Chad1000x our Hero WOD for Monday!

Remember: 5-8am, then 4-6pm. Start by 7am, and 5:00pm!!! No 9am or 11am Class, thanks/sorry guys!

The Workouts:
Monday: Patriot Day “Chad”

Tuesday: Strict Lynne 5 Rounds of Bench Press and Pull-ups at Body Weight

Wednesday: 2 Minutes at each station, teams of 2 or 4, Bike, Rest, Row, Rest, Max Meters in 3 Rounds

Thursday: “The Sevens” 7 Rounds For Time of: 7 Handstand Push-Ups, 7 Thrusters (135/95 lb), 7 Knees-to-Elbows, 7 Deadlifts (245/165 lb), 7 Burpees, 7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood), 7 Pull-Ups

Friday: Pressing Snatch Balance Max 1, Overhead Squat Max 5

Saturday: Team Kelly! Teams of 2: Run Together with your Med Ball, do partner WB Shots, and share the box jumps! 5 Rounds for Time of: Run 400m, 30 Box Jumps 24/20, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!