Easy post this week

Sorry for not posting more guys, it’s late, long week. If you haven’t been paying attention to the Games, it’s been uniquely terrible this year. Look it up.

I’ll be back in the gym Monday, happy to be home and happy to be with you all again.

Don’t worry about the workouts, bring your rope climbing stuff on Wednesday!

Games Week!

Big Week guys! It’s the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of Crossfit. Yeah the olympics is going on, which is awesome, but this is our thing! Reps for time, distance, and heavy weights! It’s a mix of the Olympics. That’s the best way to see what these athletes this next week will put out there for the world to watch, how close can they be to EVERY Olympian, not quite like a decathlete, but like an omni-lete. Maybe I just coined a new term! Look for me in the background (where I belong) helping these athletes showcase their abilities. Super honored to be a part of this event, it’s always very cool, and very nerve-wracking 🙂 So thanks for making my job easy!

***NOTICE*** The Gym is closed Saturday the 10th, we’re hosting a powerlifting meet, if you wanna come watch really strong people do strong people things, it’s a wild time!


Monday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 40 Step-ups 24″20#/20″-14″, 40 Wall Ball Shots 10′-20#, 9′-14#

Tuesday: 5 Rounds for Time: 21 Bench Press 115/70, 400m Run

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes 10ft Handstand Walk, 12 KB Swings 53/35, 6 Knee to Elbows

Thursday: 12-9-6 For Time of: Bar Muscle-ups and Overhead Squats 155/105

Friday: Clean and Jerk Max 3

Saturday: Max Calories/Sit-ups in 15 Minutes in Teams of 4: Farmers Carry (BIG DB’s, past Chopsticks to the road, climb that hill!) causes the rotate, Max Ab Mat Sit-ups, Max Calories Rowing

Remember Lynnwood is Closed Sunday. Thanks!

Rowing Completed!

Congrats to everyone who rowed on Sunday!! It’s a grind, but I hope you had a good time, enjoyed the sun (clouds at 11:30!), and had a tasty sammy to fill the tummy!

This coming week is like the “calm” before the storm. The CrossFit Games are after this week! So stay tuned to loads of noise from the internet, and me being gone, but it’ll be awesome 🙂

NOTICE: Saturday August 10th, the gym will be closed closed we’re hosting a Powerlifting meet put on by some old friends of mine. If you wanna stop by and check out the strong people do strong people things, please do (they might charge you entry), but no class that day.


Monday: Ledesma AMRAP in 20 minutes, 5 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups (6″ Deficit), 10 Toes Through Rings, 15 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14 lb)

Tuesday: Hang Power Snatch Max 2 – Gotta hang onto it!

Wednesday: Angie: For Time, 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Air Squats (no you can’t break them up!)

Thursday: Deadlift Max 5

Friday: Drag Races! 21 KB Swings 53/35, 400m Run, 5 Rounds each for time, rest as needed.

Saturday: 3 Buddies! 50 Double Unders Causes the rotation. Max Turkish Get-ups and L-Hang for the buddies. Max TGU’s in 15 Minutes

It’s like a buddy week or something 🙂

Remember guys! Sunday the 28th is the Rowing event! Sign up at the whiteboard, there’s only spots at 1:30pm now!! I hope you’re in town and ready to have a good time rowing, eating and hanging out! Should be awesome 🙂


Monday: Groups of 3! 5 Rounds for Time: Row 300m each (4500m total)

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Mintues of: 7 Strict Pull-ups, 14 V-Ups, 21 Hollow Rocks, 28 Sit-ups

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 6 Pressing Snatch Balances 75/53, 9 Burpee Over Bars

Thursday: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9’

Friday: Turkish Get Up for 1 Rep Max, then, Trade Rounds with a Buddy: 20 GHD Sit-ups, Side Plank 45 Sec Left, Side Plank 45 Sec Right. 5 Rounds each

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Hang Power Cleans! 3×5 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/105, 185/125

Midsummers Day Dreams

Yay Summer 🙂 Loving the heat? I sure am! Heads up: Sunday the 28th we’re doing the 10k Row at CC’s wonderful pool/backyard paradise! I know that everyone is going to vie for the earliest heats, but remember that it’s a pool party, with Lunch/BBQ, it’s supposed to be hot so you get in the pool, and if you go when it’s the hottest you “totally” have a reason why your time was so slow. Hahahah 🙂

Heats will be posted in the gym. Please sign up for what’s available, DO NOT ADD extra spots. I know how many rowers we have and how many we’re bringing and how many spots CC’s yard has room for 🙂 This is reflected in the availability listed on the whiteboard. Grazie.

Something like 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 will be the spots.


Monday: “Moon” 7 Rounds For Time: 10 DB Hang Split Snatches, Right Arm (40/30 lb), 1 Rope Climb (15 ft), 10 DB Hang Split Snatches, Left Arm (40/30 lb), 1 Rope Climb (15 ft)

Tuesday: Max Reps/ Max Cals 3 Rounds: 2 Minutes Barbell Step-ups 24/20 – 45/35 (bar on back), 2 minutes Rowing, 2 minutes rest

Wednesday: Bar Dips/Ring Dips 5 Rep Max

Thursday: For Time: Run 500m, 4 Muscle-ups, Run 400m, 5 Muscle-Ups, Run 300m 6 Muscle-ups, Run 200m, 7 Muscle-ups, Run 100m 8 Muscle-ups

Friday: Back Squat 1 – 10 – 1 – 20 – 1 – 30

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Military Press 3×5 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/105


4th of July was awesome! Big thanks to Annie (party planning) and Tom (keeping scores, and always helping me), and Tom (for practicing rig creation, creation, hauling, and return – major heavy lifting!!!), honorable mention to Patrick for helping with the tear down, you da man! The rig was assembled and we had 22 fine souls come and smash on it! Way to embrace the chaos and just dig it. You’re awesome. I hope you guys got some rest and recovery!

For Completeness:
Sis 29:40
Nic 38:50
Patrick 38:34
John 53:29
Maher 46:25
Kayla 40:56
Sing 45:32
Aaron 42:01
Kayleigh 49:42

Heads up!!! The 10k Row is coming Sunday July 28th at CC’s house. If you wanna get some extra rowing in, it might not be the worst idea ever!! HA 🙂



Monday: “Jason” For Time: 100 Air Squats, 5 Muscle-Ups, 75 Air Squats, 10 Muscle-Ups, 50 Air Squats, 15 Muscle-Ups, 25 Air Squats, 20 Muscle-Ups

Tuesday: Hang Power Snatch Max 3

Wednesday: 5 “Vignettes” **done in any order**. of 2 Minutes with 2 Minutes of rest between the rounds: V1: 5 Push Press at 185/135 Max Cals on Rower, V2: 5 Power Cleans 185/135 Max Cals on Ski, V3: 15 Deadlifts 185/135 Max Cals on C2 Bike, V4: 10 Push Jerk 185/135, Max Push-ups, V5: 15 Sumo Deadlifts (no high pull), Max Toes to Bar

Thursday: “Helen” 3 Rounds for Time of Run 400m, 21 KB Swings 53/35, 12 Pull-ups

Friday: For Max Reps: 5 Minutes of Handstand Push-ups, 5 Minutes of L Pull-ups, 5 Minutes of V-Ups, 5 Minutes of Face Up Plank

Saturday: “Gale Force” LCF Rx’d AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 20 Box Step-Ups with a weighted backpack (24/20 in, 50/35 lb), 23 Burpees-Over-Backpack, 19 Air Squats*
When 20 minutes have elapsed, complete one more set of 19 Air Squats together as a group.

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!