Saturday’s are rocking!! Come play!

Yay! Partner workout for Saturday! Remember, it’s not a make-up day guys! Come have fun with your crew, and get sweatty! Then go shop and have a nice breakfast!

The Workout:

Max Rounds in 20 Minutes
Trade Rounds with your Partner!

5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb
30 Double Unders

This one will deliver I think 🙂

Friday is Make-Up Day!

What that also means is that Saturday isn’t!! Saturday has the one class, it’s a team workout, it’s hectic to coach and lead it well, please don’t try and make Saturday your make-up day! Today however is the make-up day. What that means: whatever workout you missed, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday you get to do today! No you can’t make up two! So the main workout is simpler to get going for sure, as the poor coaches could ostensibly be running 5 workouts in a single class! Have patience, and put on your thinking caps today!

The Workout:

5 Rounds for Time of:
Row 21 Calories
21 Box Jumps (don’t miss!)
21 GHD Sit-ups

Don’t be afraid to scale guys! I’d cut back the GHD number to 12 for myself, it’d totally work. I’d be sore until like Tuesday from that. Maybe instead of “I’d”, I should use “I’ll.” Hmmm fine. I’ll be really late to the 11, but I’ll bang it out [heart emoji].

Thursday #4, and what a quatrain it is!

Here’s your day 4! I know you’re sore, but find a way in your schedule to make it happen. It’s OK to show up somewhere sweaty but with clean clothes on, trust me, I do it all the time. It’s OK to show up 5 minutes late (Art) and crush what you can (still counts!) it’s OK to take a different class than you usually do “just” to get it in. Find a way people, as kitch as it sounds there are often more solutions than excuses, you have to keep looking.

The Workout #4:

“Nasty Girls”
3 Rounds for Time:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle-ups
12 Hang Power Cleans 135/95

If you’re really fit, it can be really fast! If you’re like me, it’ll take a little longer and somethings are gonna have to be scaled!

Wednesday #3 and a great classic triplet! Three elements for your WODDING pleasure 🙂

YO! Thanks for your rowing feedback on ladies scaling and such. My heart is genuinely warmed by your thoughtful comments and any hint of suggested need to reduce distance in the prescription will be stricken from the record. Because let it be known that the women of LCF are bad ass.

If the distances on the row should be scaled to preserve the intensity and intended stimulus of the workout, regardless of gender, then by all means scale it.

The Workout #3:

3 Rounds for Time

Row 500m
21 Push-ups
12 Strict Toes to Bar

A strict Toe to bar, simply does not use a back swing to gain momentum to help the movement. Some animals make them look pretty easy, do not be fooled: they are just really strong people, they’re not cheating. Kipping them is certainly a scaling option that can be used, as is any number of helpful modifications to build your capacity towards that ability. Bravo!

Tuesday! Day 2 and the rarely observed EMOM!

Every Minute on the Minute. Somehow the “the” gets removed as if it doesn’t count! EMOTM does’t have quite the same ring to it though. But you get the idea. Yay Thrusters!

Day 2:

5 Thrusters 75/55

5 Thrusters 95/65

5 Thrusters 115/75

5 Thrusters 135/95

STOP! 20 Minute workout

Remember, what it means is that each minute you grab up your barbell and do 5 Thrusters, rest the remainder and then do it again the next minute. Lots of reps, little rest, and you have to add weights without any extra time between! No grace period!

Monday the 6th! First Day of the 12 Days of Christmas!!

OK. So in the spirit of D.E.I. I use Christmas not in the long standing judeo-christian heritage, but in the broader spirit of Christmas heritage that says now is a time for gratitude and enjoyment of each other rather than any amount of exclusionary tactics depending on how you celebrate whatever you celebrate at this time of year. Bottom line: the 12 days works out (pun) really well as an attendance carrot for when it’s often toughest to prioritize the gym, its a way to give out stickers to my peeps as congratulations, and it should in no way shape or form be seen as an attempt to proselytize, coerce or engender your assimilation into Christmas as a tradition. Big Hugs!

Details! 12 Days, Monday through Thursday, for the next 3 weeks is in fact 12 days. It’s a little bit MORE TIGHT than in years past. Friday is a make-up day (or another workout if you made the other 4 that week already), but the last Friday is Christmas Eve! Which the gym closes for, because some time in holiday is important, I would hope you agree (*1 see below). So you’ll only have two make up days! Friday the 10th and Friday the 17th. Don’t eff it up!!

The Workout:

Number 1:
21 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400m
15 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400m
12 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400m
9 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400m

SPICY!!!! They’re meant to be unbroken sets of 21-15-12-9, so adjust accordingly and the runs should be in the realm of 90 seconds, which is fast! ALSO remember remember remember that the combination of Run/DL has a nasty habit of getting into the people’s back pretty fiercely. It’s neither movements fault, simply the combination, no time off for the spine and the posterior chain, be smart, and if something isn’t feeling 100% during the workout, let the coaches know and we’ll adjust immediately. Bravo!

*1 – If you enjoy your coaches as people and actually see them as such, you’ll also recognize their need for rest time, and time to be spent with their families. In the same way that you would enjoy your coaches to encourage and celebrate the often weeks of vacation you might take as holiday during this season, your coaches also would enjoy it when you congratulate and encourage them to take time for this holiday. Seemingly harmless quips as “oh bummer, you guys are closed Friday!” “No class on Sunday to make up for Friday?” “Why not the morning of Friday, seems like that would be ok?” are often felt quite poignantly by your training staff as devaluation of their personhood as the subtext is that we shouldn’t be allowed to take time to rest, enjoy our families etc. Thanks and big hugs!

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

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