This little couplet should do the trick!
So yeah, you go back and forth between the Alternating DB Snatches, and Push-ups. 6 Alt. Snatches, and then 30 Push-ups, then 12 and 24 and so forth.
Remember guys! Snowshoeing Sunday! Stevens Pass Nordic Center, 10:00am, be there or be square! Saturday, ROW 5K with friends, stay tuned for details. ALSO: register in the gym so I know who’s coming and so I can communicate with you!
The Workout:
For Time:
Alternating DB Snatches 50/35
Another Great Named Workout!
Scaling, scaling, scaling! Remember guys, we’re gonna modify this workout to fit 1) your specific physical needs, 2) any orthopedic needs you have, and 3) any training goals you have too! Lighter KB’s, different pull-ups, biking instead of running etc. etc. Your coaches whole mission in their gym life is to get you as fit as possible, which means changing things so that you can do really well, and try really hard at this workout! It’s not easy to do CrossFit, and it’s not easy to be a coach for it, lots of things to do and many ways to help people get better, let us help you!
The Workout:
3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups
Tuesday! Strong Legs? Hooray!
The Workout:
Back Squat x3
Remember guys, just because there’s not a “sweaty time” doesn’t mean that a) you’re not gonna get sweaty, and b) that getting stronger isn’t going to help you in the future.
I don’t know why I’m so into double negatives with this post…
Monday! I mean “Mon-Yay!” Said no one ever 🙂
Bring your sock guys! The rope is gonna eat your leg, so be prepared 🙂
Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered 3 days earlier when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him.
He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol.
The Workout:
Max Rounds in 20 minutes of:
1 Rope Climb
400m Run
Max Handstand Push Ups
Sunday Update and Planning for Rowing Event!
Yooo! Big news: Carrie and I bought another gym! I know what you’re thinking: and yes, we are going to keep LCF too! We’ve got more coaches, and it gets John, Terra and Eileen more hours, which is good! We’ve been teaching classes and working on getting this new gym up to speed since before the new year, so we’re in our 4th week there and nothing has exploded yet!! So we’re going to unite the Clans Jan 29th for the first of 4 rowing events this year! Come say hi to the Westgate Crew, and also the Blackwood Builders Crew (we’ve been training them all last year on their equipment in a warehouse in Lynnwood!).
Rachael, don’t be afraid, come row hard and have fun! Maher, wear so many Nike layers that no one can doubt your commitment to, in deed, “just doing it.” Kacy, come represent for the blue collar, and Amy, show ’em how a boss does it (with Dave critiqueing in the background).
5,000m on the Concept 2 Rowing Ergometer
Location: (it’s a little far from Lynnwood, but the location itself is perfect)
Sunset School Park
17800 Tenth Ave NW
Shoreline Wa, 98177
Saturday Jan 29th 9:00am is the first heat
Because this is an awesome workout, that needs to be done with friends, within a motivational setting! This is a covered outdoor venue, we’ll set up the rowers, get warmed up enough, and then smash it out!
YOU! We can certainly scale the workout, by reducing the total meters, 4,000, 3,000 etc. But we’ve budgeted 30 minutes to each heat so you have that long to finish.
How long does it take?!
If you row at 2:00 pace, it takes 20:00. If you row at 2:30 pace it takes 25 minutes. Boom.
How do I know when to show up?
That’s really tricky. We’re to have heats (groups going at the same time) at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30. That leaves room for about 40 total athletes! Reserve you and your friends’ spot in the gyms come Monday! It’ll be up on the boards, and we’ll have to cross reference to make sure that everything works out! If a spot is blanked out, it’s blanked out!
For us taking the rowers out there from the gym, setting them up, staying there for two hours, and then lugging them back to the gym, count it as a regular session for attendance purposes. If it puts you over your sessions that means it’s a drop in session ($20) if you’re unlimited it’s included in what you get to rock.
Thanks for being awesome guys! Can’t wait for this!
Fight Gone Bad, Saturdays Smash Session!
Hey guys! Make the time to get in and smash it! This is a great example of a CrossFit workout: take a bunch of things, mash em together and churn out serious fitness. Part of the reason it works so well, is that it’s such a short workout. You heard me, the working duration is literally 15 minutes long. The total workout including rest intervals is 17 minutes! Think about the 20 minutes of cardio we all did, and still somehow think is a good idea. This is short high intensity training at it’s finest! Max out the reps each round, feel the burning in your lungs, and recognize that you’ll not try as hard at anything else all day (week for that matter) and that there’s no other option for your body to be getting fitter!
Crush it fam!
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 rounds for total reps:
1 min Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55,
1 min Box Jumps 20″/16″,
1 min Push Press 75/55,
1 min Row for Calories,
1 min Rest
This is a classic workout, it has all sorts of stories. Originally written for BJ Penn a fighter, it was apparently aptly titled 🙂