Last week of September!

Sincerely, for a number of reasons, I couldn’t ask for a better crew to work with, train with, hang out with, perform for, show up every day for, program for, coach, suffer, and shine with than you all. I worked an L2 this past weekend, and the questions, complaints, quandaries that come up from the participants about their home gyms made me really appreciate you guys. Big thanks for being so coachable, amiable, flexible, and down to earth. It’s awesome.


Monday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes: 2 Bar Muscle-Ups, 4 Alt. Pistols, 8 2KB Clean and Jerks 53/35, DB’s are cool, just not as cool.

Tuesday: Hang Squat Clean for Max 3

Wednesday: 5 Rounds Each for Time: 300m Row, 12 Push Presses 155/105, rest 3 minutes

Thursday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 36 Stationary “MB Hug” Lunges 20/14, 12 Burpees, 36 Hollow Rocks

Friday: Yeti: For Time: 25 Pull-Ups, 10 Muscle-Ups, 1.5 mile Run, 10 Muscle-Ups, 25 Pull-Ups

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Deadlifts 135/95, 185/135, 225/165, 275/195, 315/225

Way to go!

You guys are awesome! Chad is a huge workout, and you guys smashed it! You didn’t seem too blown up sore, no one had issues during the workout (emotional or otherwise!) y’all just came, stepped it out like champions, and then went on about your day. WOW. So you can hike 🙂

Looking ahead: we’ve got about 100 days until the new year. How do you want to finish this year? I’ve certainly got my short list of goals, and I sincerely hope you have yours too. Here’s to making the changes you need to see the progress you want, and also to continuing to do the things that are serving you well!

Rock it.


Monday: Sumo DL High Pull 1 RM

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 10 Power Snatch 95/65, 10 Toes to Bar, 40 Double Unders

Wednesday: 50/40/30/20/10 For Time of: Hang Power Clean 75/55, Push Press 75/55

Thursday: 3 Rounds: 2 Minutes Plank, 2 Minutes C2 Bike, 2 Minutes Ski, 2 Minutes Row, 200m-ish Bag Carry (distance should take around 2:00 Minutes, no need to be exacting here), Rest 2 Minutes

Friday: For Time: Accumulate 3 minutes in an L-Sit. Each time you break, 40 Air Squats

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Snatch Mayhem: Start with an empty bar. Each buddy does three full snatches. Then add 5lbs (2.5’s), each buddy does 3 reps. Then add 5 (take off 2.5’s add 5’s), each buddy does 3. How far can you get?

Chad’s Week!

Yo! You guys are awesome.

Wednesday: CHAD!

There will be two “blocks.” to do Chad 🙂 5-8am (gotta start by 7:00am at the latest, be early to get setup!), and 4-6pm (gotta start by 5:00pm at the latest, be there early so you can get set up!!). What the “block” is: a period of time when Chad is being done. Chad’s kind of a solo endeavor (I think it’s meant to be reflective that way too) you come in, check in, talk with your coach about what your plan is, get advised, revise/approved, get set up and then have at it. It takes about an hour.

I’ll be doing the workout at 11:00ish with whoever all shows up. Please take this to heart: there is no 11am class, if you’d like help with this workout beyond moral support and shared suffering, come at the AM or PM block when there’s a coach there to help. Big thanks Crew!

SCALING: I like to try and get 1000 reps. If you’ve hiked a mile before, you’ve taken 1000 steps, it’s the height and the weight that will mess you up. Reduce both if necessary. I’m not saying everyone HAS to do 1000 steps. If you wanna do 500 steps as Rx’d, I’d say drop the backpack and do the 1000. If it’s one of your first few workouts, I’d say do X per minute for maybe 20-30 minutes. I’d say 10 or less steps. At a good clip people can get 20 a minute, at the beginning your legs will hate at that pace. Just a heads up.

This workout is as mental as it is physical guys. Come in with your head on straight, ready to grind hard, and to enjoy the feeling of getting done.

https://www.stepupfoundation.org/ is the place to donate too if you’re so inclined. It’s to benefit supporting veterans, families and preventing suicide.


Monday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 7 Ring Dips 25/15 and 7 Toes to Bars

Tuesday: Rowing: Set 1: 4 Minutes, Row 500m rest the remaining. Set 2: 8 minutes, Row 1000m Rest the remaining, Set 3: 12 Minutes, Row 1500m rest remaining, Set 4: Row 2k

Wednesday: Chad 1000x

Thursday: Military Press for Max 1, accessories to follow.

Friday: 10 Rounds for Time: 200m Run, 20 Push-ups, 200m Run 18 Push-ups, 200m Run 16 Push-ups, ….. 200m Run 2 Push-ups

Saturday: Max Reps in 15 minutes: 40 KB Swings (53/36) Causes the Rotation: Max Double unders, Max Pull-ups

How did the seventh month become the 9th?

I feel like whoever thought this up should be stabbed…

***NOTICE: Closed Monday for Labor Day***

And also next week for 9/11 we’re doing Chad 1000x, which is supposed to be quite long and grueling. The way we do that one is in large windows of time (blocks as they say) to allow you guys to come in, get organized and then get to it with out a lot of pomp and circumstance. There will be some info in the gyms about it. It’s a good idea to figure out your pack situation (stepping with weight on your back) so that you don’t get too beat up from doing it. Often rubbing produces issues for people. 45/35 is the weight as prescribed, being smart and using less is always in style. 20″ Box, of course less height is OK.


Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes: 50 Step-ups, 12 Burpee Over Box, 12 Push-ups
Wednesday: For Time: 800m Run, 30 Deadlifts 275/225, 15 Bar Muscle-ups
Thursday: Thruster Max 3
Friday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 4 Strict Pull-ups, 8 Knees to Elbows, 12 Goblet Squats 53/36, 16 KB Swings 53/36
Saturday: Bench Press Max 5, Double Unders between sets like a few weeks ago

Here’s come September!

Hey guys! I’ll be back in more of the classes this week! 12 Days out of surgery and I feel as Mr. Wallace says “pretty f*^&ing far from OK” but I’m not all that bad 🙂 I should get the cast off Wednesday, and then we’ll get to see what the damage actually is.

Brent’s send off went really well! With any luck we’ll still see him Saturday’s when he comes home to chip you guys! Mary and Annie did a bang up job of getting him a shirt, a travel PVC pipe and a few boxes of “Chips Ahoy” to celebrate him beating everyone at least once by 2 pounds. Breakfast afterwards was great, we had about 15 of us I’d say. Many eggs were eaten, Nic was defeated by a bowl of doom that seemed ever flowing in it’s gravy-goodness, and good community was had. What a guy 🙂 It’ll be good to have you back in the new year again Brent!

Schedule things coming down the pipe: We’re gonna be closed Labor Day (Monday the 2nd), just a heads up for your planning.


Monday: Back Squat 1RM, use 1-3 spotters and we have safety gear. USE IT.

Tuesday: Can you beat 13 minutes? For Time: Row 500/400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, Run 400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, Run 400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, 500/400m Row

Wednesday: 3RM Weighted Ring Row, 1RM Ring Dip/Bar Dip

Thursday: “Holleyman” 30 Rounds For Time: 5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb), 3 Handstand Push-Ups, 1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)

Friday: “Arnie” For Time: 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Left Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Left Arm, Use a single Kettlebell (2/1.5 pood)

Saturday: “Other Total” Clean, Bench Press and Overhead Squat TEAM: Budget 90 minutes for this class, with that said: our typical heavy day tempo simply won’t work.

Be prepared for your coach to limit your lifts, and make you go up faster than you’d like to. It’s not supposed to take 30 minutes for each lift to build up slowly in 20lb increments. It also isn’t supposed to be your true 1 Rep Max on all three lifts. Warm-up, Practice and train the clean, then clean for 20 minutes, get out the benches, lay down and get going, about 25 minutes for the bench. Then put all that away and adjust for overhead squats, do a few pass-throughs on the PVC, practice the behind neck jerk, talk dropping from the top, then get into it! 20 minutes of that and trust me when I say it’ll be a 90 minute class! Lift big, be safe, have fun!

Yet another crazy week in Crossfit!

Big thanks for all the well wishing and support that you guys gave me last week, it really helped. Special shout out to the Friday night class, it really helped to see you guys!

This week I’ll be taking it really easy and I hope to be able to do more next week. Big thanks to Eileen, Kayla, and Rachael for scrambling to cover classes for me!! If I haven’t seen you, I got hurt last Tuesday, had surgery on Wednesday to fix my collar bone and elbow, and am doing pretty good thanks to my lovely wife. Here’s to finishing August strong!


Monday: Mary
Tuesday: Deadlift Max 3
Wednesday: Push Press x5 with Double Unders in between
Thursday: 6 Rounds for Time: 8 Burpees, 8 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9, 8 Knees to Elbows
Friday: Ring Muscle-Up Day, or Max Dip day too
Saturday: Row/L-Sit, minute by minute, rotate for 20 minutes

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!