Sorry for the late post!
My early mornings this weekend were not available to me and I got caught up with “things.” You know, the innumerable tasks that make a day drag on, and run you all over I-5, between houses, businesses, old friends, squat racks, impromptu bench press sessions etc. etc. Here we go!
The Workouts:
Monday: Moore AMRAP 20 minutes of: 1 Rope Climb 15 ft, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push-Ups
Tuesday: Deadlift Max 5
Wednesday: “Jenny” AMRAP 20 min: 20 Overhead Squats 45/35, 20 Back Squats 45/35, 400m Run
Thursday: 6/12/18/24/30 DB Snatches 50/35 and 30/24/18/12/6 Pull-Ups
Friday: Jerk Max 2
Saturday: Teams of 2: 7 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, 21 Double Unders. Max Rounds in 15 Minutes, alternate rounds with your buddy.
I got asked last week if I programmed “cardio” stuff on Tues/Thur and “technique” stuff on Monday/Wednesday. I kept my cool. That was the first win of the day, lol. Remember guys! We rotate all the variables to HELP PRODUCE FITNESS FASTER. If we do the same things all the time, YOU’LL NEVER GET FIT. Variance is the key to taking your fitness outside of the gym, and to ensuring that you gain fitness in all aspects. AND, we never do cardio, and we always do technique. Let’s go.
And then it was October.
YO! Please consider donating for the two houses we’re building in Roatan Honduras in November:
We’re doing really well, huge thanks for those that have donated already, you rock! Suggested Donation: 1/3 of your next Target trip, Ahahahahah 🙂 Hugs!
Tax Deductible, cool, and life changing for these two families. If you can spread the word to people who might be interested in donating, please send them the link and have them contact me for information. If you’re thinking that you’d like to go build houses in Honduras, let me know and I can hook you up with the group that’s making this happen!
ALSO Please help me come up with ideas for fundraising things we can do in the gym! Workouts, awful things for Jesse to do etc., that seem like people might dig enough to drop $50 in the hat! Thanks you guys!
The Workouts:
Monday: 1 RM Pull-up -then- 21-15-9 Medicine Ball Clean 50lbs/30lbs and Toes to Bar For Time
Tuesday: “Yeti” For time: 25 Pull-Ups, 10 Muscle-Ups, 1.5 Mile Run, 10 Muscle-Ups, 25 Pull-Ups
Wednesday: Push Press for 3 RM
Thursday: Texas Cardio Squat Cleans – “Texas Cardio” is 1 Lift Each Minute for 30 Minutes, typically a weight is selected, and then you just go for it, but you can totally work it up until it’s a good weight then work it. The key is not to miss a bunch of lifts because it’s too heavy.
For Time:
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Ring Dip
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Bar Dip
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Push Up
Rest 🙂
Mid-September! Not time for a break yet!
Have you guys noticed how busy the classes are? It’s great! Welcome the new folks, and do what it takes to keep coming in yourself! Get to bed on time, smash your work day so you can leave on time, carve out the lunch break you need to make the 11:00, DO IT! This week is gonna be great. If your upper body is smashed from last week, good 🙂 This week will be more “normal.” Check out Thursday!!! I said normal, ha!
The Workouts:
Monday: Power Snatch for Max 3
Tuesday: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time of: Row 500m, 12 Deadlifts 185/135, 21 Box Jumps 24/20
Wednesday: 7 Push Presses, 7 Front Squats, 7 Hang Power Cleans for Max Weight, like a complex, so all 21 reps in a row 🙂
Thursday: Full GHD Run Down. Jump Rope Training Time: Doubles, or Cross-Doubles like at the games. Then Annie For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders, Ab Mat Sit-ups
Friday: Back Squat 5 Rep Max
Saturday: Teams of 3: 200m Run, DB Snatches 50/35, Push-ups, run causes the rotate, and max reps everything else, in 20 minutes.
Big Week here at LCF!
Benchmarks, Workouts we’ve never ever done before, and BENCH PRESS. Lord loves it.
Roatan Honduras:
Honduras mainland is the most dangerous country in Central America, has the highest homicide rate in the region, with 38 per 100,000 people. Honduras, despite its status as one of the most dangerous countries in the region, has seen an increase in gender-based violence during the pandemic. Roatan Island however is regarded as one of the most secure islands in the Caribbean. Honduras is known for its low crime rate (9 murders in the 80,000 people who inhabit the island), and many consider the island to be the safest place in the country. The ability to work on a tourist visa is illegal, and those without residency can be deported. Foreign workers are required to keep the tourism industry operating.
Income inequality and the wealth gap in Roatan however is some of the worst in the world. Due to the island being safe, tropical and beautiful, with beaches and jungles and nearly perfect weather year round it has attracted outside wealth to the island. Land and house prices rival that of the United States. Yet the local people of Roatan work to earn as little as $40 USD per day.
November 5th, I’ll be heading out there with the Blackwood Builders Group (https://www.blackwoodhomes.com/) who lead and champion about 4 of these trips each year to help the families on this island.
Dwellings Now (https://dwellingsnow.networkforgood.com/) is the non-profit that puts together all the ground work in Roatan, between the land prep, choosing which families are eligible, setting up accommodations for us, and loads of details that allow us to build two houses in a week while we’re there! Wow.
Please consider donating to help us get houses for these two families. We’re surrounded by homelessness here where we live too, but there’s really terribly little that we can do about it. We can actually help these people live better lives, help their kids to have better futures, and make the world a better place, literally.
Monday: Half Mary, Half Cindy together! – 10 minutes of Mary right into 10 minutes of Cindy, no break. Max Rounds, recording should look something like 5/10
Tuesday: Buddy Buddy Front Squat 5 sets of 5, 3 rounds, working up in weight as you go! Each buddy does 5 reps each round, for a total of 75 Weighted Front Squats each. An “Rx” would be something like 95/65 – 135/95 – 185/135 – 225/185 – 275/225
Wednesday: Helen 3 rounds for time: 400m Run, 21 KB Swings 53/35, 12 Pull-Ups
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Reps: 1 Minute Hang Squat Cleans 75/55, 1 Minute KB Swings 44/26, 1 Minute Push Presses 75/55, 1 Minute Jumping Pull-ups, 1 Minute MACHINE (different one each round, Bike, Ski, Row) Cals
Friday: Bench Press Max 3
Saturday: Max Reps Skin the Cat then a burn out of Dips: Ring Dip into Bar Dip, into Bench Dips – Option A: Max Reps Toes to Bars/Hang Knee Raises into a Burn out of Push-ups: Strict, Banded, Knees I think 3 Rounds 🙂
The Week of Labor! Sounds like a Hercules thing or something 🙂
Hey guys! Thanks for Monday off, it’s a real relief. I trust that last week left you gassed and sore, and believe me, this week will do the very same! Looking forward to the Shenanigans!
September is a really busy time for us for whatever reason, lots of new people will be visiting and coming in, welcome them as you always do, and also remember that now is a great time to bring up the gym again to that buddy/spouse who was hesitant before. As schedules change, and summer ends, people think really hard about “getting their lives together” and the gym typically is one of those places where they feel drawn, for good reason!!! HA 🙂 Thanks guys!
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 9 Thrusters 95/65, 27 Ab Mat Sit-ups or 1 Bar Muscle-up, 5 Thrusters 95/65, 15 Ab Mat Sit-ups
Wednesday: Nicole AMRAP 20 min: 400m run, Max reps pull-ups
Thursday: Clean Max 2
Friday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 35 Double Unders, 14 Box Step Overs 53/36, 12 Alt. Side KB Push-ups
Saturday: BRING DOWN THE NET! Not the whole internet, just the cargo net for climbing 🙂
Teams of 3, Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: Net Climbing, Max KB Push Press 53/36, 12/12 KB Suitcase Deadlift 53/36 *Finishing 12/12 Suitcase DLs Causes Rotate*
Before Labor Day Week
YO! Please consider donating for the two houses we’re building in Roatan Honduras in Novemeber:
Tax Deductible, cool, and life changing for these two families. If you can spread the word to people who might be interested in donating, please send them the link and have them contact me for information. If you’re thinking that you’d like to go build houses in Honduras, let me know and I can hook you up with the group that’s making this happen!
***NOTICE: Gym is closed Saturday, and Monday for Labor Day***. Fall and Winter is coming fam, enjoy this weekend, and we’ll see you in September ready for mayhem, muscles, and might! Thanks for a great summer!
The Workouts:
Monday: Bench Press for Max 5
Tuesday: Arnie For time with a 70/53lb KB: 21 Turkish Get-Ups Right, 50 KB Swings, 21 Overhead Squats Left, 50 KB Swings, 21 Overhead Squats Right, 50 KB Swings, 21 Turkish Get-Ups Left
Wednesday: “Holleyman” 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 3 Handstand Push-Ups, 1 Power Clean 225/155
Thursday: 500m Row x4 Rest as needed
Friday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: Bear Crawl 90 feet, Do this complex as best you can: “L Pull-up, Strict Pull-up, C2B Kipping Pull-up, Kipping Pull-up, Toe to Bar, Knee to Elbow”
Saturday: Closed, rest up! September is coming… Remember from last week, there’s Still 94 workouts left this year even though we’re closed Saturday and Monday! Your coaches are not fitness machines, we are people too and we need rest as a team to recuperate to give you our very best early in the morning and after work. Thanks!!