Last week of June! 1st Week of the rest of your life!!!

Hey guys! A nice full week of training, very good week. I’m looking forward to these sessions, be excited to grab some PR’s some good training, and lots of good tests along the way. Booyah.

EVENTS!! The Summer is coming FAST. Here we go: 4th of July, gyms are closed, but there’s a 5k Run in Edmonds called Beat Brackett, google it, register, get your packet, and then 8:00am show up down there and smash out three miles with friends through Woodway and all that good stuff. I’ll be there myself running in all my splendor!! HA 🙂 August 12th we’re having the 10k Row Event at C.C.’s House in Edmonds WITH A POOOL!! Of course you can row fewer than 10,000 meters, but when you get done, we’ll have burgers, dogs, treats, and a quick dunk in a wonderfully cool pool, which is my favorite part. Clear your calendar and let’s hangout CrossFit Style 🙂

Workouts: Gonna be another killer week 🙂

Monday: Teams of 2-3, working through 5 rounds: 5 Heavy Back Squats (~80% of 1RM or slightly below old 5 rep max) and 5 L-Pull-ups, this isn’t for time, this is good heavy training with friends on Squats and Pull-ups.

Tuesday: “JT” 21-15-9 for Time of: Ring Dips, Handstand Push-ups, Push-ups

Wednesday: “Michael” 3 Rounds for Time of: 800m Run, 50 ABMAT Sit-ups, 50 Back Extensions

Thursday: Turkish Get-Up 1RM, and Rep Tests: Max Kipping Pull-ups 1 Set, Max Push-ups 1 Set, Max Air Squats in 1 Minute, Max L-Sit, Max Time Hanging only

Friday: “Diane” 21-15-9 for Time of: Deadlifts 225/155 and Handstand Push-ups

Saturday: Drag Races 35 Double Unders, 400m Run 5 Rounds, each for time

June 19th Week!

***NOTICE: CLOSED MONDAY, in observance of Juneteenth***

If you don’t know what it’s about go here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth and read up. We did last Saturday’s workout to commemorate. Cheers.

4th of July 5k Run Details!


The Edmonds Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to again host the Beat Brackett 5K and Baby Brackett 1K. What better way to start a day full of BBQ, apple pie and ice cream than with a little exercise and the chance to beat ol’ man Brackett? You can push to beat Brackett to the finish line or take it at an easy pace.

Both the 1K and 5K starts at Edmonds City Park and winds through the beautiful Town of Woodway. Attracting 400+ runners, these races are the perfect athletic kickoff to a full day of An Edmonds Kind of 4th excitement.

If you have already registered – great!! Encourage your friends and family to join you!

Registrations online only – deadline is June 26., that’s this week!!!

For more information and to register, click the “Register” button below.

For details about the full day’s activities visit www.EdmondsChamber.com

Baby Brackett 1K – LIVE – $20 covers up to 4 participants

Beat Brackett 5K – LIVE – $35 each.

Beat Brackett 5K – VIRTUAL – $35 each


Literally what I did was google it, and then register. Super easy.

Workouts for this week!

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 6 Ring Dips, 6 Thrusters 115/75, Shack and Back Run
Wednesday: Deadlift Max 3
Thursday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-ups
Friday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 10 GHD Sit-ups, 10 Horizontal Ring Rows, after the 10 minutes is up, Row 1000m for time
Saturday: Teams of 3: DB Bench Press, KB Front Rack Lunges, and Shack and Back Run causes the rotate, Max Reps in 15 Minutes

Weeee DID IT!!


Thanks for last week, what a hustle, but we did it in fine style, and nothing but good feedback from the raters and from the visiting coaches, you guys are aces! I can’t thank you enough for being humble and allowing the coaches to do what they think they need to do in order to pass the test. It’s a super nerve-wracking trial for sure, it’s not easy on anyone, them or us!!


Monday: GHD Run Down and Max 5 Military Press

Tuesday: 50 Cross Over Singles, 10 Muscle-ups, 50 KB Swings 53/36, 3 Rounds for Time

Wednesday: Cindy

Thursday: Christine

Friday: Gymnastics Day! 15 Minutes: Scales and Planks, Pistols, Inversions, and Rope Climbing

Saturday: “369th HellFighters”: 1500 Seconds (one for each casualty), 191 Days in the trenches, longer than any other American unit, 3/6/9 for the 369th Infantry. Enjoy this one!! Max Rounds in 1500 Seconds (25 minutes) starting with 191 Double Unders then: 3 Power Snatches 135/95, 6 Toes to Bar, 9 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20


As if there were so many small weeks 🙂

A couple things: Tue/Wed remember about your registered class times! This is a big deal, we need to have enough people in those specific classes or it will mess up the person who’s travelled here to take the test. Three of the 4 people are flying in from out of state to test!! Wild.

***NOTICE: come 10 minutes early to your class, there’s a waiver to sign, and we must have your emergency contact written out in case anything happens.***

ALSO: Tue/Wed, the gym is effectively closed except for the times that HQ needs the gym after 8:00am. We’ll be having 5,6,7AM classes as usual, but after that, it’s shut up for the testing to take place. THANKS!! If you’re not registered for a time to come workout, PLEASE find a spot Monday, or text/email me and I’ll get you in where you fit in 🙂

You guys are the best!

Monday: 200m Run, 5 DL 315/225, 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Tuesday: 7 Rounds for Time: 7 Thrusters 96/65, 7 Sumo DL High Pulls 95/65, 7 Handstand Push-ups OR Overhead Squat Max 2
Wednesday: 7 Rounds for Time: 7 Thrusters 96/65, 7 Sumo DL High Pulls 95/65, 7 Handstand Push-ups OR Overhead Squat Max 2
Thursday: Horizontal Ring Row 5 Rep Max, Pull-up 1 Rep Max – about 20 minutes on each exercise, ring rows first, then switch to pull-ups.
Friday: For time: 20-18-16…4-2 Push-ups, 2-4-6…18-20 Hang Power Cleans 75/55
Saturday: Team Kelly – Run Together, with the med ball, split the reps on the Wall Balls and Box Jumps.

A moment of Clarity!

OK. Murph. There’s two sessions. Session 1 is at Edmonds at 2:00pm, no BBQ there. Session 2 is at Lynnwood at 4:00pm BBQ there after we’re finished with the workout, about 4:45 I’d wager. Is that clear enough?

SEMIFINALS! I’ll be gone most of this week to work with Tudor Magda at the CrossFit Games Semifinals in Pasadena California. It’s a huge honor, and responsibility to get to work with and help this athlete put out mega work in three days. If you want to tune in and watch him CRUSH check out the action at games.crossfit.com hunt around on that site, but come Thursday that’ll be all what’s on there for sure. There’s a few semifinals around the world this weekend, and ours is Americas West, or something like that. Canada is included, yay Canada.

ALSO: Nice work last week! That was a grind-house week you guys! Way to step into the volume, movement redundancy and stacking days on days. SUPER RAD.
Furthermore: Stephen won his class at the competition last weekend! Super proud of our guy 🙂


Monday: 500m Row 4x Rest as needed

Tuesday: “Wood” 5 Rounds For Time 400 meter Run 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in) 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb) 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb) 1 minute Rest

Wednesday: Jerk Max 1

Thursday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 3 L-Pull-ups, 24 Feet Broad Jumps, 18 Stationary Forward Lunges

Friday: 200m Run w/ 10-1 Clapping Push-ups

Saturday: Teams of 3, X Dubs, X Rope Climbs, 60 Hollow Rocks causes the team to rotate Max Dubs and Climbs in 12 Minutes

Murph Planning Session:

Hey guys, Monday the 29th is “Murph” it’s a big deal for our community and CrossFit in general.

The Workout as Prescribed is:

Wearing a 20/14lb Weight Vest For Time:

Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile

*Partition Reps as needed*

Yoiks. Some of for lack of a better term are already wearing our weight vests! Some of us shouldn’t be running, some of us aren’t yet able to make 200 push-ups in a workout! Yes I totally get it guys. 1/2 and 1/4 options are available. Modified bike/ring row etc. etc. Versions are available. AS ALWAYS come, have fun, train hard with what you can do so you can get better. And there isn’t like a time when all the bad asses come so you won’t fit in, I don’t even know where this stuff comes from, but you heard it here from the horses mouth 🙂

4:00pm With BBQ to follow! ***Depending on the number of people we have for the workout, we may run two heats staggered. Don’t worry as always I’ve got a plan 🙂

Workouts for this week:

Monday: Press Max 3 -then- Annie

Tuesday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 800m Run, 21 KB Swings 53/36, 12 Pull-ups

Wednesday: Fran

Thursday: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift 135/95/ 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Overhead Squat 135/95 For Time

Friday: The Chief

Saturday: Teams of 3: 200 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 200 KB/DB Push Presses 45/25, 100 GHD Sit-ups, 100 Handstand Push-ups, 200 Hanging Knee Raises, 200ft Handstand Walking (Bear Crawling) For Time

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!