Final Full January Week!
And just like that we’re into February. Why does it have two R’s? Rowing Reschedule and Snowshoe Day are still forthcoming guys! I’m waiting on my schedule to materialize, which I know doesn’t help the full calendar planner types who want to come to everything, but I’VE GOT TO BE THERE right?!? HA 🙂
Monday: Clean and Jerk for Max 5 – basically cardio
Tuesday: Moore AMRAP 20 Minutes, 1 Rope Climb, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push-Ups – ropes again?
Wednesday: 21-15-9 for Time of: Power Snatch 95/65, Burpee
Thursday: Ring Muscle-up Practice Day and Pull-up for Max 5
Friday: Double Jackie – yep, two rounds, for time 🙂
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Deadlifts 3×5 95/65, 135/95, 185/135, 225/155, 275/185, 315/225
Normal Hours for us today guys 🙂
In all seriousness, how crazy it is that it’s only been 60 years since the south stopped segregation. That’s actually not that long ago.
Snow forecasted for Tuesday (maybe), keep a keen eye on this website for info related to it if anything does come up. Rock it.
Monday: Chelsea, 30 Minutes, of Pull-up, Push-up, Air Squat 🙂
Tuesday: Clean for Max 5
Wednesday: 7 Rounds for Time of: Row 21 Calories, 42 Double-Unders
Thursday: Bike 1000m, Ski 400m, 21 DB Thrusters 45/35, SandBag/MedBall Carry 100/50 Down and Back to start Do this in waves: Pair people up, once the skiers have started, send the next wave of bikers. Coach Determines Roundages, be excited 🙂
Friday: Let’s work it up to a 5RM on the BENCH!
Saturday: 200m Run, XX Rope Climbs, XX Toes to Bar, max reps in 15 minutes, run causes the rotate, Rope Climbs are 7x for scoring. Teams of 3.
Roads and Stuff, good to go!
I drove around with Carrie this morning around the Lynnwood and Edmonds gyms, I’m happy to report, that it’s quite dry and wonderful out. See you at the gyms!
Rowing Postponed!
OK OK OK, it’s supposed to be snowy and like 13 degrees or something. I’m all for “being tough” and “embracing the suck” of doing things in the cold and all that, but there’s a point where it’s just nasty and not cool. Sub 35 is that point 🙂
So ignore what you’ve signed up for on the board, this saturday is “normal” class time, and a good nasty triplet to smash away at.
Also guys, if the snow goes big time, and the roads are all jacked, PLEASE CHECK HERE FOR UPDATES!!
Monday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 12 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 12 Push-ups, then 12 Minutes to work up to your best Thruster for the day. Score is Rounds / Pounds
Tuesday: Hang Snatch, Snatch, Overhead Squat for Max
Wednesday: Deadlift Max 3’s
Thursday: 4 Rounds for Time of: 4 Bar Muscle-Ups, 12 Kneeling Jump to Box Jumps 24/20, 4 Wall Walks
Friday: Version A: Max Rounds in 8 Minutes of: 8 Pistols, 4 L-Pull-ups Version B: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of 8/8 Split Squats, 8 Seated L-Ring Pull-Downs
Saturday: Like “The Chief:” 3 Minutes on, 1 Minute off – 5 times. 3 HSPU’s, 6 Walking Lunges, 9 SDLHP 95/65, use buddies, fitter person goes first, and if the second person gets lapped, so be it!
Happy New Year Squaddies!!
Hey guys 🙂 Thanks for the week! I hope you enjoyed the break, I think we all need one, even you guys. Y’all train really hard all year, a rest week, in a chill week from work is a smart move.
Schedule! Monday is a half day! No early AM classes however: 11:00am is on, and then the PM classes, 4:15 and 5:15. See you then!
Otherwise, “normal” week 🙂
Looking at the coming year: 298 training days this year! Up from 297 last year and 292 the year before that! That’s ample opportunity to smash workouts, and be your fittest self. EVENTS! I know you guys love events, I do too, even though I may grumble, they’re fun. Lots of holidays this year are mid-week so we’ll do lots of cool stuff. I’ve got tentatively on the schedule 18 events this year. From Murph, to Snowshoeing to a Helen Challenge, Juneteenth, an overnight camping trip, etc. Let’s do it!
First and most urgent! ROW 5K DAY!! We’ve been doing this the past few years, I love it. It’s really cold, it’s been clear, the view of the Olympics is awesome, and you get a wonderful 5,000m out of the way! Saturday the 13th, 8am, at that little park in Edmonds that has a cover in case it rains. No classes in the gym that day, just over there in heats every 1/2 hour until we’re done! On the bright side, we’ve got like 12 rowers in the mix now! So it’ll be awesome. Sign-ups will be in the gym, don’t add numbers, just fill in when you can make it 🙂
“Lotta Mo’ in Twenty-Fo'”
Monday: Every 5 Minutes for 30 Minutes: 5 Deadlifts 315/225, 10 Box Jumps 24/20, 15 Push-Ups
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes: 30 Double Unders, 30 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, 30 Mountain Climbers
Wednesday: “Rene” LCF as Rx’d 5 Rounds for Time of: 400 meter Run, 21 Walking Lunges, 15 Pull-Ups, 9 Burpees
Thursday: Back Squat x5
Friday: Strict Nicole AMRAP 20 minutes: 400m run Max reps pull ups
Saturday: Teams of 3: Euro Presses 35/20, Hang on the Rope, Row 300m. Max Euro P’s in 20 minutes. Finishing the Row Causes the Rotate. Put an honest effort into the hang. 1 Euro Press is: Hands to DB’s, Jump feet back, Push-up, Right Right, Row Left, Jump Feet in, Deadlift, Hang Squat Clean, Thruster.
Hey!! The Final Week of the 12 Days is upon us! Remember that we’re closed from the 25th to the 31st! On the 1st, which is a Monday, we’re going to open for the PM classes, and be closed the AM. Seems fair, new years day and all 🙂
This next week is a staffing nightmare, be ready for a few guest instructors and all that good stuff, you guys are the best 🙂
Couldn’t be prouder of all that we did this year, and more excited for what’s to come, this year is gonna be NUTS!
Monday: Day 9: Christine 3 Round for time of: Row 500m, 21 Box Jumps 24/20, 12 Deadlifts 185/135
Tuesday: Day 10: Lynne: 5 Rounds with rest between of Bench Press @ BW/.7BW and Pull-ups
Wednesday: Day 11: Front Squats Max 3
Thursday: Day 12: 3 Rounds for Time of: 400m Run, 21 Burpees, 500m Row
Friday: Make -Up Day! OR Snatch Max Doubles
Saturday: “Nutts”: For time: 10 Handstand Push-Ups, 15 Deadlifts 250/175, 25 Box Jumps 30/24, 50 Pull-Ups, 100 Wall Ball Shots 20#-10’/14#-9′, 200 Double Unders, 400m Run 45/25, yes hold a weight plate.