Next week the Open starts!

***NOTICE: We’re closed Monday, thanks!***

Friendly reminder that the CrossFit Open starts next week, the 27th the first workout is released. For some of us it’s awesome, for others it’s nerve wracking, and yet for others it’s an annoyance. Relax 🙂 We do hard workouts every week (see Friday’s workout), it’s one workout that is made for the CrossFit community at large to see who’s the fittest. YOU CAN DO IT, scaled 🙂

Every year people get worried that we’ll suddenly stop taking care of you “because it’s the open.” What kind of insanity is that? We’re friends, we care for you, we often times keep your best interests in mind when you have terrible ideas for yourself. We’re going to make sure that you’re good to go during the Open.

Should even lowly little ole’ me register?? 1) It’s $20, 2) you do CrossFit so why not do the Open? Have you ever been overdrafted? Paid the fee? It’s more than the Open, and this is actually cool. Have you ever lost a water bottle? It was for sure more than $20. Ever bought a stock and had it go down? That’s more than $20, and is only making rich dudes richer. Go register! It’s part of what we do as CrossFitters, The Open 🙂


Monday Closed

Tuesday: Filthy 50’s, Lordy 40’s, Dirty 30’s etc.

Wednesday: Turkish Get-up to 1RM, and Snatch Balance to 1RM

Thursday: “DT” 5 Rounds for Time of: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks 155/105

Friday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 30 DB Snatches 50/35, 20 Box Jumps 24/20, 10 Jumping Muscle-ups

Saturday: “Josh” For Time: 21-15-9 Overhead Squats 95/65 and 42/30/18 Pull-ups

The secret week!

Sorry for the late post guys! For your planning, we’ll be closed Monday Feb 17th for Presidents Day.


Monday: Deadlifts Max 3

Tuesday: “Angie” For Time: 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Air Squats

Wednesday: Every 4 Minutes for 24 Minutes: 50 Double Unders, 40 KB Swings 35/26, 30′ Handstand Walk

Thursday: “Tommy V” For Time: 21/15/9 Thrusters 115/75, 12/9/6 15′ Rope Climbs

Friday: 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 22 GHD Sit-ups, 11R/11L KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 53/36

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Power Cleans: 3 rounds of 5×5 at 75/55, 105/70, 135/85, 165/100, 195/115

AM Snow Closure for Thursday Feb 6th

Gym is open for PM classes! Woooo! Thanks guys!

Sorry guys, it’s massive snow time this morning. I drove around at 4:30am, and had a blast! Which means we should not be open.

Closed through Noon. I’ll update for tonights schedule around Lunchtime.


Bienvenidos a Febrero!

YO! Nothing terribly special this week. Welcome to February. Remember the Open is coming, go ahead and register, it’ll be a blast, and it’s fun to see where you stack up 🙂

Stay tuned here for any snow updates. Hopefully it passes without incident and is very pretty and all that :). But if anything more serious happens, tune here for updates.

I delivered the “What is Fitness” lecture this weekend at the course I was teaching in Tacoma. It’s powerful, and poignant given the plethora of options out there. I’m gonna add a link below to the original article from the early 2000’s about this topic. If you’ve got 5 minutes, please consider giving it a read. I think it’s really cool, and it’s really a guiding tenant for how we roll.



Monday: Thruster Max 3

Tuesday: “Nate” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 2 Muscle-ups, 4 Handstand Push-Ups, 8 KB Swings 70/53

Wednesday: CrossFit Machine Sprint-Triathlon: Rest as needed between the three versions. Each is for Time 🙂 Men: 1) Row 300m, Ski 300m Bike 600m, 2) Bike 600m, Row 300m, Ski 300m, 3) Ski 300m, Bike 600m, Row 300m. Ladies: 1) Row 200m, Ski 200m Bike 400m, 2) Bike 400m, Row 200m, Ski 200m, 3) Ski 200m, Bike 400m, Row 200m

Thursday: Pull-up Work, -then- Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 12 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 12 V-Ups, 24 Mountain Climbers

Friday: “Randy” For Time: 75 Power Snatches 75/55, followed by L-Sit Funhouse

Saturday: Teams of 3: Max Reps in 20 Minutes: 300m Row causes the team to rotate, Max Paralette Push-ups, Max DB Box Step Overs 20″/16″ 50/35

Aaaaan January is over, poof!

Lunar New Year is this Wednesday, yaay moon! Anyone ever really read up on ole’ Gregs calendar? I guess there was a decent period in the “dark ages” (when the peasants had like 190 days off a year on holiday, and the rest just chilling making craft beer and gardening) I guess when they hadn’t figured out leap year yet (copernicus’ fault no doubt, damned heliocentrist and all) and they let it slide for like hundreds of years so far that the “winter months” crept into being the summer months, and everyone was really confused. Greg saved the day. What a visionary.


Monday: Squat Clean “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 for Time of Squat Cleans 135/95 and Ring Dips

Tuesday: Power Snatch Max 5

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 6 Toes to Bar, 12 KB Swings 70/53, 18 Walking Lunges

Thursday: For Time: 10 – 1 Box Jumps 30/24, 1/2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1 Wall Walks

Friday: “Chelsea” Every Minute on the Minute do 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats for 30 minutes, or fewer

Saturday: Buddy Buddy SDLHP: 3 Rounds of 5×5 with: 65/55, 75/60, 95/65, 125/75, 155/95

MLK Week!

***NOTICE: Closed Monday for MLK Day***

Rowing Recap: Way to be!! It was super cold, but we had 37 brave souls come and complete the rowing! So rad. Top Men’s Time goes to Chris (LCF) with: 18:14.5 (a 1:49.45 avg pace!), Top Ladies time goes to Eileen with 22:52.9 (2:17.29 avg pace!). Braving freezing temps, nearly zero warm-up, but with killer views of the moon (waning gibbous) and the Olympic Mountain range, tasty breakfast burritos (courtesy of Sis and Booboo), and coffee (thanks Stef and Nanda!), I think it was a good day had by all. Special thanks to Tom for moving Edmonds’ rowers, and for the crew that stayed to help load up and those who did both row and kids class, who ended up helping return the LCF gear!! Sheeesh!

The CrossFit Open! It’s here 🙂 https://games.crossfit.com/open/registration

Feb 27-Mar 17th, 3 Weeks, Three Workouts

I think I’m gonna try the foundations workouts this year! I can’t yet make a push-up or pull-up, let alone burpees. But we’ll see what they have in store 🙂 As per usual we’ll have Gymnastics days on Thursdays, and the Open on the Friday. With Saturday being a cool team workout based on what the Open didn’t do 🙂 No stress, it’s basically 5 weeks away. Just go sign up, and we’ll make sure it’s an awesome experience!


Monday: Closed for MLK Day
Tuesday: Fight Gone Bad: 3 Rounds for Reps: 1 Minute at each Station: Wall Ball 20-10’/14-9′, Sumo DL High Pull 75/55, Box Jump 20/16, Push Press 75/55, Row Cals (too soon?), Rest

Wednesday: Dip Work and “Annie” 50/40/30/20/10 For Time of: Double Unders and Ab Mat sit-ups (No GHD)

Thursday: “Moore” AMRAP 20 Minutes, 1 Rope Climb 20′, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push-Ups

Friday: Power Clean Max 1

Saturday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes with a buddy of: 3 Strict Ring to Chest False Grip Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts 315/225, OR 3 Strict Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts 315/225. Buddy’s can spot each other on the pull-ups as needed.

Saturday is like two different workouts depending on what your coaches want for you. The second with the strict pull-ups is best for scaling, horizontal banding is cool, and you can spot each other to ensure enough rounds.

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!