WOD & More


Save the Date!

Tenative nutrition lecture and workshop November 2nd, it'll be in the morning, most likely after class, but stay tuned. I'm shooting from the hip here, I haven't asked anyone else about the date! Workouts: Monday: Jenny AMRAP in 20 minutes, 20 Overhead Squats (45/35...

October!? Yay Fall!!

Hey guys! Stay tuned for what's up with Halloween, but otherwise October is gonna fly by and then we're at the end of the year! That means we've got about 90 days, 3 months. What's your plan to finish out this year? How do you want to set yourself up for next year to...

Last week of September!

Sincerely, for a number of reasons, I couldn't ask for a better crew to work with, train with, hang out with, perform for, show up every day for, program for, coach, suffer, and shine with than you all. I worked an L2 this past weekend, and the questions, complaints,...

Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)

Thursday all day 🙂

CrossFit Training Schedule: 6am - Monique 7am - Monique 9am - Monique 11:30am - Deidra 6:00pm - Deidra 7:00pm - Deidra Check the members site for the WOD's

Wednesdays at Local's

Hump Day! Don't you hate people who say that? CrossFit Class Schedule: 6am - Deidra 7am - Deidra 9am - Deidra 11:30am - Jesse 6:00pm - Jesse 7:00pm - Jesse Check the members site for the WOD's

Local's Tuesday

CrossFit Training Schedule: 6am - Deidra 7am - Deidra 9am - Deidra 11:30am - Jesse 6:00pm - Jesse 7:00pm - Jesse Check the members site for the WOD's

Nutrition Blog

Coming Soon!

All the right things, for all the right people, for all the right reasons.
Greg Glassman

Your first class is always free. Check us out!