April 2-9 Renovations Week!
Yay! I hope you’re off in a far away sunny place enjoying your break! If you’re not, I sincerely apologize for upending your weekly routine and schedule. We all did home workouts before and they simply aren’t as cool as coming into the gym and getting after it with your friends, I totally get it. I’ve done plenty of hotel workouts, home workouts, travel sessions etc. And dropping in to the local affiliate where I am is always better than lunges and push-ups in the hotel. However! I would be waaaay less fit, if I had skipped that roughly 150+ workouts on the road over the years.
And part of being a fit person is getting your movement in for you. So let’s get your movement in this week. Be it these home WODs, or long walks, bike rides, Meadowdale Beach Trail (quite steep), yogalates on zoom, whatever 🙂
I’m gonna keep the workouts really short and sweet (sweet means, bangers) so that you’re more apt to do them. I know that the home situation isn’t always the best, with kids and dogs and stuff, but get up early, put those little beasts away, and then do a few leg swings (don’t kick anything) and arm circles (watch out for your lamp!) and get to it!
Monday: 4 Rounds of Plank for 1 Minute, and Pigeon Stretch 30s each side. THEN 5 Rounds for Time of: 15 Jumping Air Squats, 15 Squat Thrusts (1/2 Burpee), 15 Lying Leg Raises
Tuesday: 3 Rounds of 20 Glute Bridges, Side Plank for 30 seconds each side. THEN 5 Rounds for Time of: 25 Mountain Climbers, 25 Bicycle Crunches, 25 Standing Goodmornings
Wednesday: Arm Circles a-plenty, like 5 minutes of front/back, high/low, small/big, hands on hips etc. THEN 21-15-9 Push-up, Chair Dip, Stink Bugs, this is like “JT” If you’re methodical with your reps, it’ll take a while and your arms will be smoked. IF you blaze through it and care not for your future self, it’ll take less time and be kinda easy. Take care 🙂
Thursday: Calf Raises and Shin lifts on the wall 3×25 each. THEN Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: Run in place 100 Steps, 30 Backward Stationary Lunges, 10 Burpees
Friday: 5 Rounds for Time: Plank for 1 Minute, 25 Lying Leg Raises, 12 Side Plank Rotations Left, 12 Side Plank Rotations Right, 25 Sit-ups/Crunches
Saturday: 30% Chance of Rain, get outside and walk! Find a hill and walk up it a bunch of times in a row like a total psychopath 🙂
See you Monday!!!
End of March! We’re Marching towards April.
Terrible Dad Joke.
Remember guys, next week is Renovations week. April 2-8th I’m going to avoid a full rant here, but please understand that I am a singular human, and both gyms need major work. I listed the jobs below, in looking at them, I agree, they don’t seem as if they would take much time. But drilling into walls, building things, painting things, buying the stuff, it all takes loads of time. I’m fully aware of how much better it would be to close only one gym at a time, or to run early/late classes while the renovations are taking place. I sincerely ask you to think of me as a human, and then take two weeks of me doing AMs as a fitness guy, switching into contractor laborer mode from 8am until 4:00pm then switching back into gym guy mode until 6:00pm. Not cool, furthermore, cleaning the gyms up to get them ready to have classes in slows the jobs down immensely. We’re gonna need to paint over 100ft of trim board at Edmonds, and repaint the trim on the glass board where the spider is, stinky! We’ve got a heckuva carpentry project planned, sawdust etc, the main pull-up rig at LCF will be off the wall. Construction sites are generally considered dangerous, and this is why I don’t get to do big jobs at the gym until this time each year, it’s a major hustle. Thank you for being patient with me, and respecting the edict to stay gone 🙂
If you’re gone on vacation, enjoy it!! Thanks for scheduling your trips around this closure, it puts my mind at ease big time to know that my crew is off enjoying themselves and their families rather than being at home wishing their gym was open to smash workouts.
The Main Jobs are these:
Stabilize and Reattach Pull-up Rig
Remove Spider from Behind Glass Boards
Build Gear Holder
Deep Clean Joint
Med Ball Holder on Wall
Replace one Bay of Lights
Move Hangers (Barbell, bands, etc.)
Bring out DBs, Move Plates, and Barbell Rack
WhiteBoards and Trim, leaderboard
Monday: Hang Squat Snatch x5
Tuesday: SUN!! Farmers Walk – Run Relay. The Farmer’s Carry has to go 800m. Buddy 1 takes off running, buddy two takes off carrying the DB’s, KB’s, or whatever. When buddy 1 catches up to buddy 2, they switch, buddy 2 runs and buddy 1 carries the bells until buddy 2 catches up again, and they switch. Once the bells have made 800m, TIME!
Wednesday: Angie 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Air Squats. A good scale especially when banded or knee push-ups, is 60/60/100/100. Rock it.
Thursday: Deadlifts Max 5
Friday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 9 Toes to Bar, 9 KB/DB Push Press 50/35, 9 Burpees
Saturday: Teams of 2: 5 Bench Press, 5 Power Cleans – do it like Buddy Buddy where you go 5/5, then your buddy goes 5/5, add weight to both, then do 5/5, and 5/5 etc. 3 Rounds of 5/5, only 4 sets on the way up: at 115/135/155/185 – 75/95/105/135
Last Full Week of March! Why does it go by so fast?!
Quickly, I know Annie.
No craziness this week, you’re welcome? It seems like the world is too full sometimes man. A great man once said to me “boring is so cool,” and I think he’s right.
***NOTICE***. Remember guys the gyms are closed April 2-9 for renovations, cleaning and other ancillary whatnot. It’s a great week for you all to go on vacation! Take Spring Break and enjoy yourselves, we’ll come back with a vengeance in a gym that’s nicer than when you left.
Monday: Christine: 3 Rounds for Time of Row 500m, 21 Box Jumps 24/20, 12 Deadlifts 185/135 – we’ve done this workout quite a bit it seems like, we should have really good data here, be ready to smash!!
Tuesday: Thruster Max 3
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 8 Minutes of: 3 Muscle-Ups, 35 Double Unders
Thursday: 5 Rounds for Time: 1,2,3,4,5 Squat Cleans 185/135, 10,8,6,4,2 Pistols, 200m Run, Speed Walk to the Shack and Back
Friday: For Time: 6 Rounds of: [5 V-Ups, 10 Jack Push-ups], then 1000m Row
Saturday: Max Pull-ups/Jump to L’s in 12 Minutes of: Teams of 3: Max Strict Pull-up, Max P-Let Through to L’s, 12 Power Clean and Push Press 115/75 Causes the Rotate
When is the Ides of March?
I’m sure google knows, I don’t wanna look it up. Poor Julius.
I hope you guys go Run a 5k today! It’s snowing out here in Minnesota, so I did 5k on the Ski Erg Saturday at the gym we’re coaching at. 21:19 – go for it 🙂
If you’re paying attention to CrossFit Games stuff, this weekend is the Quarter Finals qualifier. That leads to Semi Finals in May. Tudor will be smashing these workouts, they all have to be on video, so you’ll be able to find them if you’re looking for them. I’m not sure what his schedule is, but as deets come together, I’ll spread the word if it makes sense to do so (hype helps sometimes! sometimes not!!) but it’ll be fun to watch him smash nevertheless.
Monday: Hang Squat Clean Max 5
“Jennifer (AMRAP in 26 minutes
10 Pull-Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 Pood)
20 Box Jumps (24/20 in)”
Wednesday: Max Reps at .75BW/.5BW Bench Press, into Max L-Sit into “XX” GHD Sit-ups, 5 Rounds for Reps, Time, Reps 🙂 It’s a workout 🙂
Thursday: Overhead Squat Max 3
Friday: “4 Leafs of Patty” Round A: 500m Ski Erg, 20 Ring Dips, Round B: 500m Row, 20 L-Pull-Ups, Round C: 75 Double Unders, 40 Hand Release Push-ups, Round D: 1000m C2 Bike, 40 Toes through Rings. Each for Time, rest between, smash it! Whatever order is OK!
“Barraza AMRAP in 18 minutes
200 meter Run
9 Deadlift (275/185 lb)
6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups”
The Open is Over 🙁 But way to be guys!
Congratulations you guys!! Be it your first Open, or your 13th, I hope you had a good time. It was (as always) a lot of work, but seeing you guys come together, take the workouts seriously, and crush it, is (also always) super rewarding. It’s motivating, and humbling personally as well. A whole slough of emotions man. Like where else can you come, join up, pay the money, and get people to gather around you and support you like this? Our pregger ladies, our masters athletes, our “gym bros”, and everyone in between, it’s pretty wild to think of how special the thing that we have inside these walls is. Thanks for making it a part of your life, and I’m proud to have made it mine.
Quarterfinals happens 17/18/19 of March, two weeks. Tudor is going to qualify to do these workouts, so look for him on the Games site, and on social media. He ended up 65th IN THE WORLD on the Thruster, with only 8 Men beating him on that workout. That really was great what we all got to watch!
SUNDAY THE 12th! Who’s in for a 5k Run with the crew? St Patty’s Day Dash here has the deets! Let’s take a quick poll Monday and see who’s in! I can do it!
Monday: Drag Races! 21 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, 400m Run, rest 5 minutes 4 rounds each for time
Tuesday: Front Squat x1
Wednesday: Cindy – Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats.
Thursday: No more gymnastics, so let’s GET IT!!
75/55/35 Double Unders, 55/45/35 Sit-ups, 30/20/10 Sandbag/Medball to Shoulders 150/100 for time
Friday: SDLHP x3
Saturday: Diane 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 and Handstand Push-ups
Sunday: 5k Run! St Patty’s Day Dash down in Seattle, who’s in?
Week 3! The finale!
Thanks for coming and smashing with Tudor you guys!!! I hope you think that sort of thing is cool and special. There’s loads of people all over the world that would LOVE to kick it with a Games Athlete and smash a workout, super cool to be a part of this thing. This week thankfully however is back to normal!
Basically the end of February as well!! Dang! Marching steadily towards March! See what I did there? I’m excited for spring and summer though, wanna do some hikes? Bike Rides maybe? We’re going to schedule a few 5k Runs for the gym to participate in through the summer, so get ready for that! Shoes and such. After this week there wont be gymnastics day anymore 🙁 So come get your fill this week and then we’re back to smashing as always 🙂
Remember guys, same deal FRIDAY night, come hang out, have a blast, crush the final Open WOD, it’ll be super cool.
Monday: Filthy 50’s
Tuesday: Press x5, Push Press x3, Jerk x1
Wednesday: Snatch x2
Thursday: Gymnastics Day
Friday: Open Week 3
Saturday: TBD