WOD & More
Wilcox Park Post
Hey guys! Today is the 4th, be stoked 🙂 Wilcox Park is on 196th after Big Lots and before Wendy's, it's got all the flags out front. We'll most likely be post up in the back of the park (north side) which is away from the flags and the main entrance. You can get...
Bruh it IS the 4th of July!
Yoooo. This is going to be so much fun 🙂 Remember, treason against England is what we're celebrating! Hahah Schedule: Thursday High Noon, Workout, then BBQ. The Gym will closed otherwise Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, just like for Thanksgiving. Please check...
Bro, it’s almost the 4th of July?!
Schedule Stuff! This week is normal, smashing 6 days 🙂 Love it. Next week is 4th of July Week: we're gonna do a big park workout and BBQ for everyone (Location TBA), at Noon I think is the best time, workout, eat, chill, bounce by 2:30ish or so, and let you guys get...
Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)
Local's Gym Grand Opening!
We're going to open the doors, turn up the tunes and run around on the turf! Click here for directions if you don't know the way already 🙂