WOD & More


Father’s Day!

It's on Sunday, so nothing special 🙂 ***NEW THING: Strength/Skill Workshops with Kayla! Starting Saturday, June 22nd running each weekend for the summer and beyond! Ask her for details, payment, times etc!*** Just a heads up about Juneteenth, it's June 19th, and...

Does this mean we’re halfway there?

YO! Saturday we've got a Fundraiser for Doc Steve's (from the Edmonds gym) friend's cause. Check it out! Here's the link to check out the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaKKA2uzn8o No schedule changes this week! Yippee! Next schedule things are...

Yay Memorial Day!

Murph Deets! 6am Class, come join in the workout! We'll be scaling and taking extra time, plan for a 90 minute class more or less guys, I'm not gonna be there early, so don't plan that you're gonna be all stretched out and good to go at 7:00am! Ha 🙂 4:00pm Class:...

Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)

Club Meeting v1.1

The first seminar at Local's Gym!! Be very excited, because you know we are 🙂 We will cover what fitness looks like, how to attain it and the three main metabolic pathways your body operates in and how to attack them. Q and A will follow, always fun, and we'll...

Club Meeting v1.2

Yeah 🙂 Since we'll be open, let's start learning about fitness so that we can attain it! We'll discuss what fitness is and looks like. The three main metabolic pathways and how to attack them. Q and A because we like that and if we have time we'll hit some demo's and...

Local's Gym Health Fair

October 20th, Local's Gym is hosting our first Health Fair!  We're going to invite renowned area experts in the fields of: Manual Therapy Chiropractic Massage Therapy Nutrition Kettlebell Training Speed Agility Quickness Training If you have any suggestions on who...

Nutrition Blog

Coming Soon!

All the right things, for all the right people, for all the right reasons.
Greg Glassman

Your first class is always free. Check us out!